Nell Fletcher’s Stepdaughter Blames Sour Relationship on Chris Fletcher’s Alleged Serial Cheating?

Photo Credit: OWN/YouTube

Nell Fletcher’s stepdaughter is telling her side of things on YouTube.

It was made clear Nell Fletcher and Chris Fletcher had ongoing family issues during the controversial family dinner scene on “Love & Marriage: Huntsville” a couple of seasons ago. Nell was visibly frustrated with the children. Interestingly enough, she had the most tension with Chris’ daughter Lexie McCollum. Lexie is Chris’ daughter from his first marriage. Things went left after Lexie began to speak her mind about her childhood. She believed she had been treated differently than her siblings.

Sometime later, Lexie took to social media to accuse Nell of getting with Chris while he was married to her mom.

Lexie recently confirmed she would tell her story on YouTube in a series of chapters.

Chris Fletcher left Nell Fletcher and their kids for another woman?

The first chapter posted was her history with Nell. She said things were good until she turned about 10 years old. Lexie noticed a change in Nell and she thinks Chris being unfaithful is what changed her. And there was a time Chris allegedly left Nell to be with another woman.

“Between…I can’t really remember what age I was. But between them living in Atlanta and moving to Harvest, Alabama; there was an extended time there where I could not get in contact with my biological father. I was left to only call my stepmother to try and get a hold of him. And I called and called and she gave me an excuse and he would never be around so I could talk to him. The same thing would happen to my mom when she would call so I could try to talk to my dad,” Lexie said.

She continued, “And I later found out from my stepmom when I was like 17 or 18 why he, you know, didn’t get on the phone. It was because he left them for another woman and their kids which freaking sucks for my stepmom. But that’s what happened.”

They may have their issues but Lexie McCollum has empathy for Nell Fletcher.

Lexie said not being able to get in contact with Chris made her resent Nell.

“I didn’t know that at the time. So I was like where is my dad? I started to have a little resentment towards my stepmom because of that. I was like you’re keeping him from me. Why can’t I talk to him? Where is he? And all of a sudden one day, he popped up and called and he said I can come visit. And they lived in Harvest, Alabama. I don’t know. It was strange,” she said.

Lexie also claimed that Nell was the one who paid child support. So when she would ask for things when she came over as a child, Nell would say no. Then she would allegedly tell Lexie that she needed to ask her mother to get what she wanted with the child money being paid.

Despite all of this, Lexie also said she does have empathy for Nell now. She thinks Nell could have been a better stepmom if Chris had been a better husband.

“That was our relationship. It was okay until it wasn’t and I really do attribute a lot of that to her not being loved properly by my biological father. I really do feel like because she was not protected, she didn’t have that security. She didn’t have that stability in her marriage, in her relationship with her husband, from the father of her kids. Because she didn’t have that, I feel like that deeply affected how she looked at me and how she treated me.”

Lexie McCollum still feels Nell Fletcher has to be held accountable.

“It’s like if I try to put myself in her shoes, I feel like I’m over here fighting for my life because I want this man to love me and treat my kids with love and respect and be there for them, support them. And I’ve got this other kid who’s not my biological kid who’s wanting the same thing. But I don’t even have that for myself and my kids. I can put myself in her shoes and I can see how that would have been hard. But I still cannot excuse…I was a kid,” she said.

She added, “Just as much as you wanted my bio dad to see you, love you, and appreciate you, I wanted the same. And I feel like instead of trying to embrace me and help me navigate through that…you kind of just left me to fend for myself with that. And then really treated me badly…really kind of put me in a box and set me to the side. Like I got my own kids and myself to worry about. I’m not doing anything for this kid.”


  1. It’s cool that she has empathy for Nell but it sounds like Nell just got her karma. Chris left his family to be with Nell and in turn left her for someone else. That’s reaping what she sowed.

  2. Lexi were was your mom why didn’t she gave you all the thing you say you need. You know the things you ask Nell for it wasn’t Nell job to support you. That was your Mom and Dad job Nell not your mom. You need to stop whining and you need therapy your a very sick puppy.

    1. Umm no. I need some of you in the black community to stop being ignorant about how blended families work. Stepmothers and stepfathers are supposed to parent and treat their stepchildren as their own. Nell didn’t do that because she was the bitter side chick that expected Chris to treat her differently than the woman he left her for. Nell is not the victim here. Lexi is entitled to tell her story on her YouTube channel just like Nell tells hers on television. Hope this helps.

      1. My siblings and I have the same parents. So some of us are ignorant to all that goes into a blended family. But it Doesn’t take a genius to know that you should marry someone who would love your kids like your own. However do you expect them to do more than the actual parents? Do you expect them to put in more effort than the actual parent? Nell is not innocent but also not the villain. Even if she was keeping her husband from his kids, that is his fault if he allowed it and married someone who would do that.

      2. Thank you. These people are so weird to me. They are the main reason why I stopped watching LAMH. Most of the cast and fans are degenerates. Lexi hasn’t done anything wrong. I have seen how a successful black blended family works in real time. Stepchildren should be loved and treated the same as the bio kids. Anyone that says differently is weird and the black community as a whole can be very disappointing and ignorant unfortunately. Nell and Chris are both certified losers. They need to be praying their real controversy is never talked about on that show because Chris would be canceled. He is NOT a good person and Nell isn’t either which is why she is still with him. Losers.

  3. WOW! I’m going to say this if these people wasn’t on reality television we could care less, now they on television, I’m going to release all my family business.

    1. I agree and everything should not always be put on the woman. However, if I see my man is not a good father and not doing what he’s supposed to do that’s a red flag and he’s not the man for me.

  4. Let me understand. Lexie is mad that Nell keep information about her father, leaving her for another woman, even though he came back. Nell took her calls and didn’t reveal to a child the problems in her marriage. This same step mother continued to do for her doing that time. She made because she got the same answer alot of people who paid support give when asked for extra? Lady let that mess go. Lexie appears to looking for excuses to have problems with Nell. Nell didn’t make Chris cheat or leave. Nell seemed like she covered for Chris alot. The mother should have been her main support, not Nell.

  5. It’s clear some of you commenters did not actually read the post or watch the video. Lexi didn’t blame Nell for Chris being a deadbeat or cheater. She is literally placing the majority of blame on him and she literally said Nell was being mistreated by Chris and could have been a better stepmother if Chris wasn’t so horrible to her. Turn your brains on next time and leave the misogyny at home.

  6. Lexi is giving Nell grace and forgiveness she doesn’t deserve. She treated her own stepdaughter like trash on TV like she ain’t f-ck Chris while he was married to Lexi’s mom. Why is she the one mad? Then her moral lacking a-s wants to be looked at as some mentor or respected elder. F-ck her and her feelings. The way side chicks and felons are praised and promoted on this platform is why I stopped watching this bullsh-t. Chris ain’t sh-t either which is why he doesn’t protect Lexi.

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