Porsha Williams Drags Drew Sidora Amid Dating Rumors Involving Dennis McKinley

Photo Credit: Bravo

Porsha Williams and Drew Sidora’s issues will continue on the next episode of RHOA.

Real Housewives of Atlanta” stars Porsha Williams and Drew Sidora are currently at odds. Interestingly enough, the reason confuses the other housewives and the fan base. The issue was brought up during the Season 16 premiere. Porsha said Drew backstabbed her by trying to film scenes with Dennis McKinley. However, Drew said her relationship with Dennis wasn’t romantic. She and Dennis have been recording music for her upcoming album. Despite this, Shamea Morton said it was rumored that people saw Dennis and Drew holding hands inside a nightclub. Porsha insisted she wouldn’t have an issue with Drew and Dennis dating if it wasn’t for the show. However, the whole scenario seems like she was set up so Drew could have a juicy storyline.

At the conclusion of the premiere episode, Shamea asked Drew if she was dating Dennis. The episode ended on a cliffhanger before she could answer and set the record straight for Porsha.

Porsha will get her answer in the upcoming episode. But a preview shows she is completely done with Drew.

The video begins with Drew explaining the nature of her relationship with Dennis. She says she tried reaching out to Porsha many times to make sure she was okay with them working together.

Porsha replies that all Drew did was send texts. She and the others don’t feel text messages were enough.

Porsha Williams denies giving her blessing.

In response, Drew says, “It wasn’t something I was going to text. Let me tell you from the beginning. I opened up for Tamar Braxton. Dennis reached out to my management about me hosting the official after party. And he did a whole professional pitch about working with me on my music.”

She continues, “I told you on the phone, I said, ‘Listen, Dennis has been my angel on earth because in a time with everything I’m going through in which we haven’t been able to talk…”

Angela Oakley adds, “Drew, that don’t sound right.”

Drew goes on to say recording music has been therapeutic for her as she goes through the divorce process, and Dennis said Porsha gave her blessing.

“And I was like I’m so excited for you to hear it. I did ask Dennis, ‘Did you get a chance to talk to Porsha, because I haven’t been able to catch up with her because she’s been busy? He said, ‘I asked her for her blessing and she gave it to me.'”

Porsha says, “Y’all really have to stop lying to each other about me.”

Drew says she considers Dennis a brother to her since she, Porsha, Ralph Pittman, and Dennis hung out regularly. And Dennis still has feelings for Porsha.

“But let me tell you, that man loves you. And I don’t want you to think for one second that I would ever be dealing with your baby daddy.”

Drew Sidora is very confused.

Porsha is not moved.

“Let’s set Dennis to a side. ‘Cause you can marry him, **** him or kill him. I don’t care. I’ve done nothing but root for you. You understand that? With your hair, I said you know what, you can come work for Go Naked. Come be an ambassador. I did all of that,” she says.

Porsha continues, “And all of that was because I cared for you. My problem with you is this, you are a lowdown, dirty individual. And you know what I’m talking about. Since this phone call that you’re talking about, oh, about you told me about Dennis and all that, you’ve done some low down **** to me. Very ******* lowdown.”

Drew questions what she did wrong.

After a producer tells Porsha she can break the fourth wall, Porsha calls out Drew.

“You know that we are all on this show together. We have our family, we have our friends, we have our own support systems. You have been trying to go behind my back and do something very dirty by asking Dennis to film with you.”

Drew denies this while the others react in shock. Porsha goes on to say Dennis showed her a text message of Drew asking him to film.

Porsha Williams calls Drew Sidora awful and slimy.

Newbie Brittany Eady and Kenya Moore have a side conversation while all of this is playing out. Kenya questions why Drew can’t film with Dennis since Porsha is married to Simon Guobadia still.

“Is that bad? They’re not together. She’s a whole married woman,” Kenya says to Brit. Brit can understand why Porsha feels slighted.

“I get it she’s married but that’s her baby daddy,” Brit tells Kenya.

Porsha then says the other line Drew crossed was planning a photo shoot for Go Naked Hair without approval and notifying the producers. This was something she doesn’t have the authority to do as a brand influencer for Go Naked.

A confused Drew responds, “But I didn’t know that was an issue!”

Porsha snaps, “Are you crazy?! You have a contract to wear hair!”

Kenya says she is lost at this point of the scene. But Porsha continues to drag Drew.

“You are an awful, ******* slimy, *** *****! You know that?”

Kenya and Brit once again have a side conversation.

Brit asks, “Is this about Dennis or is this about the photo shoot?”

Kenya answers, “I mean I think she’s mad about Dennis.”


  1. It’s crazy seeing Brit and Kenya getting along here knowing what happens later. Porsha clearly still has feelings for Dennis.

    1. She definitely cares about him possibly dating Drew but can’t outright say that because everyone will remind her about Falynn.

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