Does “The One” really exist? By:Amanda Anderson As I learn more and more about relationships, I am continuously asked the same question from men and women: Do soulmates really exist? There are many ways that I could answer this question, but then I realize…
Are you able to take the ups and downs of your relationship? By: Taren Vaughan Relationships can be some of the most wonderful things that two people can take part in. Spending endless amounts of time with the one you care so deeply for…
Are you the person you require your mate to be? It’s time for some self-reflection. By: Amanda Anderson So I’m not the avid dater I used to be, but I figured that I would dust off my old list just for kicks. And when…
Is it possible to find true love via the Internet? By: Taren Vaughan Nowadays, every daily activity that we do has become so high tech. From talking on the phone to listening to your favorite songs, those things that were once somewhat time-consuming have…