A1 and Yung Berg Robbed on Instagram Live + Lyrica Anderson is Distraught (UPDATE)

Photo Credit: Instagram

A.J. Niles

Despite the apparent drama between “Love and Hip Hop Hollywood” stars Lyrica Anderson and husband A1, recent events show love is still between them.

Recently, Lyrica and A1 are seemingly in the middle of a martial separation. They both removed each other from their social media accounts and stopped responding to each other publicly.

However, a recent robbery of A1 at a recording studio may have revealed the two are working things out.

Click next for the details.

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  1. Someone said they were filming when A1 asked why they didn’t stop the robbers. Was that the production crew for the show?

  2. Hmmm how convenient just before the new season starts. whatever!! I smell a fake storyline. I am do done with these shows. I think I watch out of habit at this point.

  3. Fake or not next season is gong to be lit. That’s more than I can say about the New York show. Straight trash.

  4. If they are getting robbed in the studio, someone they know may have set them up. They need to look at their circle because someone is clearly not their friend.

  5. It’s crazy that we all have to question what’s real and what’s fake all the time with Mona’s shows.

  6. Every time a new season of LHH is on the horizon something bad miraculously happens to one or more of the castmates and then BOOM it’s a major part of there storyline. Sh-t is getting real old and that is FO-REA-UL In my NeNe voice.

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