Mimi Says She Was Not Usher’s Jumpoff

By: Taren Vaughan

Did Tameka Raymond ever confront Mimi Faust over Usher? Mimi Faust found herself in the midst of some crazy drama as a cast member of hit reality TV show Love and Hip Hop Atlanta with much of it centered on her relationship with Stevie J., one that Joseline Hernandez became apart of as his lover/artist. And it was a situation that Mimi received, and still receives even after the first season ended, much backlash over, so much that it has led Mimi to going on rants, cursing out her haters on camera. Mimi hasn’t been shy at all when it comes to dragging Joseline over her stripper days yet Mimi’s groupie past has been exposed a few times, one of the first being when Joseline called Mimi out for being a former Ja Rule groupie. It was also rumored that Mimi was Usher’s side chick while he was dating Chilli and slept with him during ex-wife Tameka’s pregnancy.  Itching to know if this story had some truth to it, a LHHATL watcher tweeted about what she had read and included both Mimi and Tameka in her tweet:

The person however wasn’t buying it as she called Mimi out for not giving her a yes or no response to her question. Since Mimi clearly has no problem responding to people on Twitter as she has been known to drag people for coming after her, she initially addressed the follower by saying that what she was reading was just that, a story:

When that response wasn’t good enough, Mimi plainly stated that it was not true:

Tameka hasn’t commented on the tweets regarding her alleged confrontation with Mimi over Usher. And she may not feel the need to as Mimi took it upon herself to put the rumor to rest.


  1. Tameka probably hasn’t said anything because she doesn’t know the truth herself. Usher slept with so many women while he was with Tameka that no one can even keep count, including Usher.

  2. Welp, this is the price of being on reality television and dating Stevie J. Folks just swear you’d have to be just as big of a slut as him to date him for 15 years. LOL

  3. Why are people hounding her about who she has or hasn’t slept with on Twitter? That’s ridiculous. Twitter really is the death of humanity in 140 characters or less.

    1. Girl…you and me are definitely here this morning. I read that and thought the same thing. Why are these random people so comfortable with asking people they don’t know about who they slept with? Society is all kinds of f-cked up.

  4. These chicks are messy as hell. Why can’t people just read the blogs (sip tea) and move on like they’re supposed to? That’s how it used to work. Now these younins’ need to tweet celebs and “verify” gossip. What in the hell?! It’s gossip! You read it, thank the person who shared the tea, and keep it moving. Whether or not is true or not doesn’t even matter. It’s all just entertainment! smh damn

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