LHHMIA Star Florence El Luche Apologizes Amid Backlash + Estelita Quintero Puts Her on Blast

Photo Credit: VH1/YouTube

The recent episode of LHHMIA has fans discussing colorism.

The latest episode of “Love & Hip Hop: Miami” was one for the books. Fans had plenty to say about Amara La Negra and Florence El Luche’s blowup. Florence and Amara haven’t been on good terms since last season. First, Amara was rubbed the wrong way by Florence’s behavior with Safaree Samuels while they were in a recording studio. Then there’s Florence’s new interest in Amara’s ex Allan Mueses Florence used Allan to get even with Amara for hanging out with Marlon Dure. Interestingly enough, Amara spent most of her time with Marlon pushing him to save his marriage. It’s safe to say that Florence and Amara won’t be in a good place anytime soon after the things said during their televised showdown.

Shay Johnson invited Amara and Florence to her tea party in hopes that they would be able to hash things out. She especially felt this way since Amara was telling Marlon to get Florence back. However, their conversation quickly turned into a war of words. Amara said Florence was wrong to sell bleaching cream to Black women. Florence left people speechless after she called Amara a “black *****” who is jealous of her light skin. She went on to say that “black *******” are jealous of light-skinned women.

To no surprise, many LHHMIA were outraged by Florence’s comments. They are calling for her to be fired from the show; Erica Mena‘s fate after her very controversial fallout with Spice. Erica was fired from “Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta” for referring to Spice as a monkey during an argument.

Florence El Luche apologized.

Florence issued a public apology via Instagram. She wrote, “I want to take this opportunity to address the recent scene that aired and the conversations it has sparked. I take full accountability for the words I said during that moment, and I deeply regret how they may have come across. I never intended to hurt or diminish anyone, and I sincerely apologize to anyone who felt offended or disrespected by my words.”

She said the scene didn’t show “the full story” but that doesn’t change that her “words had an impact.”

Florence continued, “This experience has been a learning moment for me. It has reminded me of the
power of words and the importance of using them carefully, even in moments of frustration. Moving forward, I will be more intentional about my actions and continue to focus on unity, love, and positivity.”

Estelita Quintero chimed in.

Estelita Quintero had something to say in response to Florence’s apology. She told her Instagram followers that Florence’s apology was fake because she called Amara a “black *****” again last Thursday during filming.

“So I heard a fake apology was issued. Why do I call it fake? Well, that tea party happened months ago. If she really felt bad for her actions, you would think she would never do it again, right? Well, last week we had another scene on Thursday. She pulled up and got into it with my friend once again and kept on calling my friend Amara a black b…you already know, over and over and over,” Estelita said.

She added, “She repeated everything she said to my friend at that tea party. Does that sound like someone who is truly sorry for their actions? Absolutely not. **** just got too real for her. Let’s not be fooled by a fake apology y’all. Wake up.”


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  1. Wow that is so bad women putting a other women down when yall should be lifting each other up loving on each other and saying kinds words to each other but yall want to say all kinds of stuff to each other

  2. Public apology not accepted because she knew exactly what she was saying and this was not her first time. She need to be fired from the show immediately and black balled from all reality tv shows. I was extremely offended by her comment. Girlfriend need to read up on slavery history!

  3. Florence’s “apology” definitely reads like she doesn’t think she said anything wrong. It’s basically the whole I’m sorry you’re offended vibes. So unserious.

  4. My experience: Light skins have ALWAYS felt like they were better than dark skins. That will never change. It is perpetrated in today’s society just like it was in – for example – Lena Horne’s day. Nothing has changed. Back in the day, Hollywood preferred light skins for the “house” roles and they gave the dark skins the more grittier parts. Whatever…

  5. Flo her looser husband and her freaky azz sista can all kick rocks!! ✌️

    That apology was weak, ok Moana get rid of em and who’s taking their spot 🤔👀

  6. Why say anything at all? If you can’t say nothing nice don’t say nothing. I don’t understand colorism and don’t care to understand it.

  7. Here in the US it’s been a struggle to get beyond the issue of colorism and I do not appreciate people of color from other countries bringing that backwards azz mentality here complete with bleaching creams and whatever else comes with that mess. Them creams never took off for us because we been trying to be black and proud in all our shades. Florence and that backwards b.s should absolutely be fired. And everybody needs to keep it real about accepting these fake a-s apologies, let these people REALLY deal with the consequences of their b.s. and learn the hard way.

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