LHHMIA Highlights: Florence Comes for Black Women + Amara Embarrasses Her

Photo Credit: VH1/YouTube

On the latest episode of “Love & Hip Hop: Miami,” Estelita and Eliza’s tension worsens after Van gets involved. Plus, Florence comes for Black women during an argument with Amara. Here are the highlights for, “Tea N’ Tea.”

Florence is encouraged to make peace with Amara.

Shay visits Florence at her shop. She’s disappointed to see Florence is no longer selling her wellness products. When she asks why Florence made this decision, Florence says she removed Shay’s products due to her reconciliation with Amara.

In response, Shay reveals Amara isn’t trying to do anything with Marlon. Instead, Amara has been encouraging Marlon to do whatever is necessary to save his marriage. So Shay invites Florence to her upcoming tea party so she can hash things out with Amara. Florence reluctantly accepts the invitation after Shay tells her that messing around with Allan for revenge isn’t a good idea. She thinks he’s a loser and not worth damaging her reputation.

Estelita catches up with Van. He confirms he fell out with Eliza. They are no longer friends and he isn’t managing her career anymore.

Van also says Eliza is mad at Estelita because she thinks she stole her business name, Foreign, for her eyelash line. However, Estelita claims she has been working on her eyelash line for two years. So she suggested that she and Estelita partner up to promote their businesses. However, Eliza declined. Van believes Eliza was never a real friend to Estelita. She only used Estelita as a bodyguard. And she refers to Estelita as “Empanada” when Estelita isn’t around.

He also believes she’s a deadbeat grandmother who tried to use her daughter as a storyline.

Marlon meets Amara to tell her what happened when he went to the studio to find Florence. He confirms Florence has been messing around with Allan. Amara figures Florence has been using Allan to get revenge but she can play that game, too.

Zoey and Kelvin visit her pastor for support. The pastor feels Zoey and Kelvin should take a break from their engagement because Zoey needs to heal from past abuse. This revelation brings Zoey to tears. Kelvin doesn’t want them to separate.

Eliza has no words for Estelita.

Estelita confronts Eliza about Van’s claims. Eliza refuses to answer when Estelita asks her if it’s true that she only wants to be a grandmother on camera. Estelita thinks Eliza’s silence proves she isn’t real or worth having a friendship with.

Shay’s tea party becomes an outright mess when Amara and Florence drag each other. Amara accuses Florence of living a facade that includes exaggerated wealth and success. At the height of the argument, the women get on each other’s looks. Mouths agape when Florence accuses Amara of being jealous of her light skin. She also says that “black *******” are jealous of light-skinned women.

At this point, Amara reads Florence effortlessly. She reminds Florence that she is attending an event with beautiful black women all around her. And Florence is out of order to sell bleaching cream to black women when colorism is an ongoing issue.


      1. Amara Sstarted it do y’all watch the episode then Dlo started iam not sure what amara puriahedont have a story line and if both them stay them bring back Erica menathen because spixe should have left to

  1. I’m extremely surprised to see a Haitian be this stupid and colorist. Like Haitians were literally discriminated against for being darker skinned. Florence and Allan shouldn’t be on the show anymore.

  2. Bleaching is not skin care. Flo, her momma, sister, and husband aren’t needed on this show. Colorism should not be tolerated.

  3. Both Florence and her nasty sister are nothing but filth, sisters having the same men to get even. Light skin, Florence looks like a big wide plastic and silicone butt fool. She looks like a clown as a grown woman with glued on baby hair down to her eyebrows, girl please pack up your whole family and go back to wherever y’all from. Decent black women want nothing to do with you, neither do decent men,

  4. I don’t see why Flo, her sister or Allan are on the show. The only reason Allan has a storyline is because of Amara, & now Flo and her sister because he is using them for a storyline. Now Flo is being a colorist, you weren’t born light-skin, you bleached your skin to get that way. I’m tired of Flo and how hateful she is. Grelle has no storyline at all except for her sister Flo. I say get rid of the whole family, Bobby doesn’t have a real storyline either. Matter fact practically everyone on the show storyline is weak. Cancel the whole show.

  5. That’s that Dominican ish, being white is where it’s at. Remember that tiny producer Hollywood told Amara she was too blk to be successful? He got canceled and Amara became the fan favorite? Did this thirsty girl watch the first episode? She just cooked herself, with all those fake body parts. Amara has none, another reason she’s above the rest

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