Tameka Raymond Has a New Man

tameka raymond new man
Photo Credit: @tamekaraymond Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Tameka Raymond’s fairy tale romance with Usher  definitely didn’t have a fairy tale ending. The former wife to the R&B star had a romance with the singer that ended on a rather horrible note. After being married for a couple of years, Usher filed from divorce to Tameka for what many perceived as image reasons. Tameka even seems to think Usher called it quits because his mother and fans hated the fact that he was married to her, as it was no secret that Tameka was never a fan favorite when it comes to the women Usher has been with romantically.

Although no one can say they were shocked the marriage ended, many had no idea that the following child custody battle would be so nasty between the former couple. In the end, Tameka would lose the battle, but interestingly enough, she may still have a chance to get custody of the kids back since the judge who granted Usher with full parental custody stepped down from the case recently, making an appeal for Tameka easier to obtain.

Usher of course isn’t too happy that he and Tameka will be heading back to court to continue their custody battle, but it’s clear that Tameka is not giving up her two sons with Usher without a fight.

Tameka has always been labeled as bitter and a woman who just refuses to move on, especially since Usher has moved on and has a steady girlfriend in Grace Miguel who now operates as his manager.

Welp, it looks like Tameka may have proven her critics wrong.

The famous ex wife took a beach trip recently to celebrate her birthday, and it appears that she has a new man in her life.

She took to her Instagram account to show her supporters that her love life isn’t dead at all:

tameka raymond new man


tameka raymond new boyfriend


After assuring her supporters that it was not Usher and would never be again, she took time to remind her friends that it is someone they know:


tameka raymond has a new man

Tameka even tweeted a rather interesting tweet that could be about her new boo as well:


Get it Tameka.


  1. That’s what I’m talking about! It’s always better to move on and get even with happiness. I wish her the best.

  2. I hate when people do the no face pics of their boos. Rihanna just now started including Chris Brown’s actual face in her pics. She took pictures of his arms, legs, and feet for weeks. It is so wack to me.

  3. You guys are funny sometimes. But yeah, it’s about damn time. Life is too short to be bitter about something that didn’t work. Sometimes things don’t work out for our own good.

  4. Honestly though, I’m happy for her. I never thought I would see the day this woman would move on. She seems really happy and has been for months. She has not allowed Usher, the bad press, or his stans bring to her down. Tough woman indeed.

  5. Love your post: God must think its hilarious 2 watch us chase after one thing when He has something SO MUCH better 4 us & all we have 2 do is WAIT!

    I am so happy for you. You deserve to be happy and loved. Put God first and everything else will fall into place……LOOK HOW MY GOD WORKS!!!!!!! Go Tameka…Enjoy!

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