Kim Kardashian Explains ‘Disappearing’ Baby Bump

Photo Credit: @kimkardashian Instagram
Photo Credit: @kimkardashian Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are expecting their first baby together, and according to reports, their baby girl should be here sometime in July. Of course with all things involving Kim Kardashian, there has to be scandal and rumors surrounding everything with her pregnancy. And the biggest rumor circulating right now is that the reality star is completely faking it for attention. The rumors pretty much started when people noticed that her baby bump was visible some days, and pretty much nonexistent on others. Of course, this led to some of her critics even suggesting that the couple is actually using a surrogate because Kim doesn’t want to go through childbirth herself, interestingly enough, these are the same rumors that plagued Beyonce (and she used her documentary to shut them down properly).

Regardless, Kim usually likes to take to her personal blog to address all rumors and speculation, so of course she also took to her blog to shut down the rumors that she’s faking her pregnancy, in a rather subtle way.

The reality star blames wardrobe choices and just the typical “pregnant life” for why her baby bump seems to change drastically with her many photo ops. She even claims that the bump will continue to appear to go up and down because she “hasn’t popped yet.”

Kim writes:

“For me, I’ve found that I’ve gained inches and I’ve gotten wider but my belly hasn’t popped yet, so I struggle finding things that don’t make me look heavy. Some days my baby bump really shows, and some days it doesn’t… so I never really know what I’m going to look like.

“At this stage I guess I’m more focused on concealing the weight gain than I am about dressing the bump, just because it hasn’t popped yet.”


In addition to speculation that Kim is faking her pregnancy, Kim’s critics are also criticizing her choice of clothing while expecting. Kim is still attempting to pull off the sexy style that has pretty much helped her establish her brand, but a lot of people feel it’s pretty self-centered that she just won’t wear the more “traditional” maternity clothes.


  1. Don’t like Kim but I doubt she’d be cool with gaining all that weight for nothing. I doubt she’s faking her pregnancy. I mean why else would she walk around looking like a bloated whale?

  2. What is it now that has everyone thinking any celebrity pregnant now is faking it? It’s getting pretty lame.

  3. Kim would totally fake her pregnancy just like she faked her marriage for ratings…so I can understand why people don’t believe her now. I think she’s really pregnant though.

  4. I just want her to disappear after this baby is born…the world would be a better place if is she finally sat down somewhere.

  5. Monkey see, Monkey do…I bet her own rep made this alligations (Kim and Kanye totaly want to be the next Carters), to cause gossip so she stays relevant,cuz nobody is giving a sh!t for her pregnancy…She hates not being relevant..Is there nothing this ho will do to stay on the spot light?SMH

  6. I don’t think she is pregnant I think she is just fat! And the reason she looks preggers in some pics and not in other? Is because she wear spanx when she doesn’t look pregnant and when she does look pregnant she is showing her natural flab! lol

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