Kelly Rowland Talks Overcoming Insecurities of Being Dark Skinned

Photo Credit: YouTube/Eurweb
Photo Credit: YouTube/Eurweb

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Kelly Rowland is without a doubt a very gorgeous woman, however, that doesn’t mean she hasn’t had to battle through insecurities like everyone else. Kelly has had a lot of success in her music career with Destiny’s Child, and even now her solo career is beginning to look very promising. As people anxiously await her the release of her next studio album, it’s clear that Kelly isn’t just opening up more in her music, but she’s also opening up and showing the world more of who she is as well. And in a recent interview with Eurweb, the beautiful R&B singer opens up and gets very real about how she had to learn to love her dark brown skin in a society where that’s not always encouraged.

Kelly says:

“I had great women in my life to help me overcome that. I remember I went through a period where I didn’t embrace my chocolatey-ness. I don’t know if that’s a word, but I didn’t embrace my chocolate lifestyle. Just being a chocolate lovely brown skin, girl and being proud of that. And I remember Tina Knowles, Bey’s mom, and I remember being out in the sun and I was trying to shield myself from the sun and she said ‘Are you crazy?’ She said you are absolutely gorgeous and she told me how beautiful I was and how rare chocolate is and how gorgeous the skin is…and all of this stuff. I was like ‘Yeah,’ and a light went off.

“So in between her and my mother and then me sitting out in the sun a little bit more to be a little more chocolate, you just embrace it. Embrace everything you are as a woman. Even your flaws too. And the things that you want to fix, you make them better.”


Check out the interview below:


  1. The whole light skin vs. dark skin thing is so dumb to me. I don’t understand why we get so caught up in skin tone when we were discriminated against because it. I hope we move past it one day.

  2. Girl bye! Y’all know she is just coming out with this tired lie just to help her sell records stateside. Do not be fooled – Kelly gets more love on social networks and the media the King Bey.

    1. Yes! so you had to sit in the damn sun to realize your skin is just as beautiful as anyone elses. Chileplease…

  3. Love me some Kelly but I’m tired of hearing about her and her self esteem issues. She’s gorgeous and I don’t care to know that she didn’t think she was at one point.

  4. Ok Kellz. I’m glad she learned how to love her brown skin. That’s something that we all need to learn how to do.

  5. Thats like a lion learning to love what he is. Only black people have this issue and its creepy as hell. It should be a natural thing to not hate who you are. Blacks need to grow a backbone cus its pathetic at this point this 2013 not 1813 smh.

    1. Try telling all these rappers & atheletes that it’s 2013 & not 1813! We have ignorant rappers out here like Lil Wayne who constantly talk about putting “redbones & high yella chicks” up on pedestals. This has been an issue with our people for centuries & centuries. Still to this day we have young girls & women having to deal with being put down & told their not attractive enough because of their skin tone & ethnic features. I’m glad Kelly chose to speak out about it & more celebrities should because you never know how she could be helping all those brown skinned girls out there who listen to them! It’s a great thing that you & others never had to deal with these issues but everbody cant be like you, allthough that would be nice! It’s really hard to have great self esteem & image about yourself when your being told everyday that you’re “ugly or basic!” Look at how bad they dogged out the actress that played “Precious!”

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