By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj may be questionable for returning next season, but their beef is ongoing and seems to have surpassed any beliefs that it was merely a stunt to save ratings (especially since it just made ratings even worse). But things between the two divas got even worse last night when Mariah decided to put Nicki in her place and such a shady way reminded Nicki that she’s never had a number one song on the Billboard Hot 100. In case you missed it, here is the exchange that’s got everyone talking:
Nicki: “You must agree with Nicki?”
Mariah: “So you must think that I agree with Nicki and Keith and Randy and the entire panel.”
Nicki: “Oh, A.K.A. you agree with Nicki … ? Okay honey boo boo. Okay.”
Mariah: “Again, back to the Billboard Hot 100 #1 song which you just performed … which is difficult to get … not everybody has that (waves hands towards Nicki) to their credit … to your credit you did a great job so keep on singing…”
It didn’t take long for Nicki to get on Twitter and take some shots at Mariah’s career, and according to Nicki, Mariah’s just insecure by her because she’s achieved more than her in such a shorter time span. Nicki also possibly confirmed the rumors that suggest Idol producers are calling J-Lo up in hopes to bring her back to replace Mariah (these reports have been denied by producers).
Check out Nicki’s angry tweets that started off with her slamming blogger Perez Hilton for telling her to burn from Mariah’s on-screen shade (read from the bottom up):
Sigh…Nicki, you keep doing the most when Mariah is snatching your wig with LESS. Get it together.
Thank you! I told yall Mariah is insecure! Plain and simple. She needs to get over herself and just do her job!
Insecure by what though? She’s had a very successful career. Nicki had to become a cartoon character and sell her soul to get big. Mariah didn’t. If anyone should be insecure, it should be Nicki’s clown azz.
Exactly people are confusing “insecure” with standing up for oneself. Is Mariah suppose to let Nicki (insecure) disresect her and talk sh-t to her? I don’t think so. Nicki is threaten by any infulential icon or woman. Thats why shes blamed for breaking up the unity among female rappers. Im glad Mariah is not taking that bs from lil nicki.
As soon as American Idol is over they need to issue a statement saying putting Mariah and Nicki was a mistake. This is ridiculous between the both of them. But my messy side can’t help but laugh at Nicki Minaj come back way to stick and move Nicki LMAO. She had to come back hard because Mariah shut her down with billboard comment LOL.
LOL now these two are wildin. Hilarious.
I can’t even hate. She read Mariah. LOL!
Right. Mariah bothers me for some reason. She did throw shade at that girl and when Nicki gives it back critics want to say she disrespecting Mariah.
Wow. As entertaining as all of this is, it’s not a good look for the show. No wonder The Voice is killing Idol right now.
Good point.
I think they are both insecure by each other. And that’s the problem. If either was so secure they won’t be throwing shade and tweeting insults like this. Man up and keep it cute.
Nicki…hunnie, you can only hope that your…*coughs* career? last as long as Mariah’s.. Your 15 minutes are dam near up….look around that auditorium that you’re sitting in and take a seat. Oh and Mariah..don’t you have diapers to change…….
AI might not be coming back on the ratings suck. Maybe if they kissed on the lips or summin the rating will go up. Nicki always throwing shade. Her head big n one of these days some old school person is really going to shut her down!