By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Kordell and Porsha Stewart may be over and going through a divorce, but despite all the tough talk the retired football player was doing in the early stages of their split, it’s pretty clear he now regrets his decision. In fact, Kordell even recently announced to followers on his Instagram account that he wanted to attempt to work things out with Porsha and he was considering taking her on a lavish vacation, so they could talk their issues out and try to stay together. Unfortunately for Kordell, Porsha just wasn’t interested in reconciling and took the steps necessary to move froward with the divorce he filed behind her back. When asked if she thinks there could be a reconciliation, she tells Hollywood Life:
“You know, I really don’t have the space in my mind to consider that right now. I’m in the middle of a divorce, so reconciliation is not at the top of my list. So, that’s not something I’m thinking about.”
Things also started to look bleak when it comes to possibly working out their issues when Porsha started saying in interviews that she now feels Kordell doesn’t deserve her and she could do better.
Perhaps Kordell got the message loud and clear that things are over for good because he eventually deleted all the photos he posted in reminiscence of his marriage. And recently on his Twitter account, he even agreed with a follower who expressed they believed it was a cowardly move for him to file for divorce instead of just working out his issues with Porsha in the first place (read the tweets from top to bottom):
What is wrong with this man? First he want a divorce then he wants to reconcile. He needs to get his head together. I hope Porsha think long and hard if she decides to take him back.
Oh well! He did it and I’m glad Porsha didn’t stop him or fall for the “I’m sorry” crap he tried to pull later.
This man has some issues. He’s controlling and probably only regrets filing for divorce because he thought Porsha would come back on her knees and beg him to stay. She might have been submissive, but she showed him she wasn’t weak by any means.
Oh here we go. Kordell, please have a seat. You filed, now deal with it.
What a douche bag. He only wants her back because she wants to move forward.
This is why you don’t rush to make decisions. Calm down, get through the anger and then make a move. He acted out of spite and anger and now he’s paying for it.
He basically ended the divorce over something extremely small. It could have been worked out. But I’m proud of Porsha for standing up for herself and understanding that it’s better to let someone like that go.
Porsha get your spousal support and never look back! This man is crazy as hell.
I’m not surprised. He regrets it and now it’s too late. When you’re married, you better think long and hard before you try to walk away.
*rolls eyes*
Is this man serious? He’s too old to be so flip flopish.
No sympathy here.
He’s full of it. Most controlling people don’t change their ways and if she took him back he’d be barking orders to her again. He probably just want her back so she can babysit his child!