By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The Momma Dee and Erica Dixon beef is still ongoing and doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon considering both are still taking jabs at one another on their social media accounts. Interestingly enough, Erica did shock plenty of fans of “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta” when she exploded on Momma Dee and Lil Scrappy and appeared to be just steps away from fighting both. Although things were quickly broken up by security, Lil Scrappy and Erica’s engagement still seems to be on the rocks and many doubt (including Momma Dee) that they will ever make it down the aisle. Momma Dee recently stopped by Detroit radio station Hot 107.5, and says that Erica isn’t “fed up” like people think and has actually been the aggressor in their feud for nine years. She even claims Erica tried to fight her while she was recovering from being shot years ago.
“What y’all saw last week [Erica’s tantrum], I’ve been going through for nine years. So when everyone’s going out on me on Twitter, just know what you saw last week is what I’ve been going through. So everybody’s got a child, how would you like for somebody to cuss you out, disrespect you and hit your child in front of your face? Be careful…what you see on TV they show you bits and pieces. So I’ve been going through it with this girl, the disrespectfulness for over nine years. So when you Twitter me and say mean things, I’ma block you first of all. Second of all, you don’t know my life. I don’t know your life, and I definitely don’t want to know yours. So with that being said, stay back.
“…Baby she tried to fight me when I got shot years ago and had a feeding tube out my stomach…tried to fight me just for breaking her and Scrappy up. She want to fight me too. Y’all don’t get it. This girl…I’m a good person. I could be a “B” when I want to, but at the end of the day, she’s a child under me. I’m not a bad person but y’all just gotta know it’s two sides to a story. To every action there’s a reaction. Everybody’s like ‘Well Erica fed up.’ No, Erica been disrespecting momma for over nine years. So with that being said, ladies who all have kids, if somebody cuss you out on the phone and speak to your son or daughter you gon’ like them? Or you gon’ like someone that respect you when they come to they house, calls you momma, and want to be a part of what you’re doing? Not trying to come between you and you and your daughter or you and your son.”
Despite all the beef, Momma Dee says she still respects Erica because she’s the mother of her granddaughter, but she just feels she’s not meant to be with her son.
Interestingly enough, she did bring her boyfriend Detroit with her and says she doesn’t want him to ever join the show. Of course, he looks like he’s around Scrappy’s age or a couple years older. Momma Dee does like them young though.
Check out the interview below:
Momma Dee is a mess BUT no one should disrespect their s/o’s mother. Erica is out of line and if someone talked to my momma like that I’d beat their a-s and call off the engagement. #shrugs
I am sick of Momma Dee all the way round..just get out of their relationship period. Be a grandmother and thats it!
momma dee is off the chain
Shot? When did she get shot?! And who shot her?!
Well she used to be a pimp so it’s no telling girl. LOL.
She’s crazy but she’s right. Most people would have a problem with anyone talking to their momma the way Erica did the other day. I’m telling you she and Lil Scrappy won’t make it. Watch.
Hey Shay girl how you doing??
I want her to mind her business but Erica is wrong as hell too. You can’t talk to someone’s mama like that. I don’t care what’s going on. A parent has a right to say they don’t like you for their child. Parents do it everyday. You don’t fight them for it.
F-ck Erica. She has way too much mouth and she’s just as ghetto and trashy as Momma Dee is. I don’t feel sorry for her and I’m not on her side either. She’s as much to blame for everything as Momma Dee is. She’s the fool that got up from the table and tried to fight. With her big mouth! That’s why she got handled by Joseline. She’s all mouth and nothing else!
I used to love me some Erica, but honestly, I think I have to say I can’t really take her side anymore after that situation at the table. She really took things too far. There are millions of women going through what Erica is going through with a mom who is a pain in the a-s, but she’s not being any better than Momma Dee is with her recent actions.
I think all three of them are wrong. Momma Dee needs to sit back and let Scrappy make his own choices, Erica needs to respect her man’s mom and just bury the hatchet because it’s the right thing to do, and Scrappy needs to step up more.
This woman has some serious issues. She’s trying too hard to be young. Smdh.
Say it ain’t so Erica!!!!
Momma Dee needs to be put back on her meds ASAP.
I’m definitely not going to keep giving Erica a pass for her ridiculous behavior just because Momma Dee is a nut case. Erica needs to do better herself.
Al these people are ratchet as hell. They make for good TV, but they need to get their issues in order for the sake of the child.
Erica was wrong for the dinner thing. She should have just stayed in her chair and proven Momma Dee to be the bigger fool. Instead she’s the one that came off looking crazy.
Oh Momma Dee please. Mind your business woman!
Momma Dee needs to mind her business. As wrong as it is for Erica to be disrespectful to her, the disrespect is going both ways. But Erica needs to ignore Momma Dee like Scrappy told her to do. When you know someone is crazy, there is no changing that. Either Erica needs to deal with it or she needs to move on. She’s proving Momma Dee’s point about her and it’s not a good look.
I think when she found out she brought Shay to tha studio she had enough of Momma Dee…
All those who saying Erica is wrong, let’s see how you feel and react if your man’s mama keeps calling you b-tches, keeps drama going in your relationship, and tries to help your man’s ex/sidepiece take him from you!!! How wrong would you be then to pop off on a self admitted bipolar fool who doesn’t take her meds???????
Ummm who’s mother gets shot ???? Mamma Dee is an old a-s ghetto hood rat and needs to shut her ugly old mouth and stop trying to run Erica and Scrappy’s relationship damn a person can only take so much she’s talking about Erica disrespecting her I think she disrespected her self and if want respect you’ve got to give it. What makes Mamma Dee think that she deserves all this respect when she don’t have any respect for Erica or her son???