By: Taren Vaughan
The Kirk and K. Michelle beef hasn’t gone much past Twitter, unlike the ongoing one that K. is locked into with Kirk’s wife Rasheeda. But after K. Michelle and Rasheeda nearly threw down at Mimi’s housewarming party, Kirk took it upon himself to address K. at the studio about everything that happened, their conversation ending with K. Michelle taking to her piano keys for a quick diss song about Rasheeda and Kirk, K. taking another swipe at Kirk’s sexuality. In a recent interview that he did with The Jay-O Show, Kirk talked about how felt about K. Michelle’s constant disrespect towards Rasheeda. And he says that he tried to stay out of it at first, but stepped in when K. starting picking up things and hurling them in Rasheeda’s direction. Kirk also says he doesn’t understand how K. can claim that she was abused before yet carry on in such a violent manner:
“I feel like, you know, my honest opinion is really, like I said, I try to stay in my place, you know, and let the ladies do they thing. But it just got to a point where, you know, when you picking up a glass, 10 lb. candle and throwing it at Rasheeda’s face, I felt like, you know, you gotta understand that’s going past and above and beyond work…You could’ve took out an eye, you could’ve blinded her, you could’ve knocked a tooth out…At the same time, Rasheeda is pregnant. And I don’t think that she (K. Michelle) looks at the whole realm of the things that she do. And you know, one other thing that I add to the K. Michelle thing, for me is like, ‘Yo, you got so many claims of you being abused and you this and you that. But every time we see you, you busting this girl in the head, Karlie Redd, and you throwing something at Rasheeda and you slapping Mimi. And it’s just like I don’t understand why you so violent but you wanna cry wolf that this happened to you.'”
And as far as his current feelings towards K. Michelle, Kirk says they’re not cool but he isn’t opposed to them burying the hatchet, adding that he hopes K. learns how to control her anger:
“Um, that’s a hard one…There’s definitely tension there. I mean, we’re not cool, yet. And I’m saying yet because I feel like we’ll get over it. I feel like I will. I don’t know what’s her intention. But I’m not walking around holding a K. Michelle grudge. Like, every time I see you, I wanna have a problem with you. That’s definitely not on my mind.
“I would definitely love to get past it. Really, for me, it’s not really so much of me. I mean, I would like to see K. Michelle grow. I would like to see K. Michelle, you know, stop being so angry all the time, because pretty much, you can deal with everybody on the show, but K. Michelle has a certain pattern where she’ll get into a box and just judge everybody because this whole thing started from something that we ain’t even got nothing to do with to be honest with you, an opinion. And I feel like any damage or any harm to be just thrown that way to somebody like Rasheeda, or anybody for that matter, just because of an opinion, you going too far…You can be as violent as you want with your mouth but I think you should be able to get your point across without even cursing or touching nobody.”
Peep Kirk’s interview below:
Here’s the thing that bothers me with all of this. He keeps talking about how violent K. Michelle is, but from what I remember, Rasheeda is the one who walked up on her twice. Once at the reunion, and the last time at Mimi’s place. K. never comes for people first. However, Rasheeda did twice. So who’s the violent one again?
EXACTLY!! You can’t run up on anybody and then be shocked when someone give you the business. I got that same southern attitude like K run up get done up.
YES!!!!! I was just thinking the same thing!!!!
So he’s just going to act like Rasheeda wasn’t the one who came for K. Michelle first? Oh. Ok.
K. Michelle doesn’t need to be cool with Rasheeda or Kirk. I mean really. She has her record deal, Rasheeda is the one still trying to get on. LOL.
Whatever. I get that he just wants to take up for his wife, but he’s acting like Rasheeda is some angel who didn’t walk up on K. Michelle first. Rasheeda thinks she’s Gangsta Boo, but needs her husband to fight her battles? Chile…
Kirk once again is focusing on Kmichelle instead of focusing in on his marriage. I ain’t saying he is wrong because he brings up good points but the fact still remains Kmichelle should not be his focus. Bad enough Rasheeda rap career is down the drain now the marriage is heading down the same path. Kirk and Rasheeda stay losing I’m just saying
He’s right but most victims end up becoming violent themselves. That’s a known fact. So…
Pass us a link to statistics that prove this so-called fact.
Your ignorance never ceases to amaze me. In just about every comment you make on here, you show that you read very little but still manage to THINK you know everything. How does that work again?
I’m so tried of him and Rasheeda using K. Michelle to get attention. They are so thirsty for the camera it’s sad.
But how’s that marriage tho?
Kirk is so messy. He wants to be manly and get involved in his wife’s beefs, but he can’t get his marriage together.
They will keep up this “beef” with K. Michelle for as long as they can because she’s the only reason they get any attention. This “divorce” won’t change that either.
He really bothers me.
I agree with you all about Rasheeda walking up on K. Michelle, she was invading her personal space and that is not cool. I don’t agree with K. Michelle’s antics sometimes because she comes off as childish(to be honest that thing with Karlee Redd from Season 1 was childish and Karlee should have got in that a-s). Rasheeda should have not even said that she didn’t beleive that K was lying about what went down on the first season, all she had to say was those are my friends and I would like to stay neutral so could you not talk about that situation around me and if she chose not to Sheeda should have left. Memphitz beating K is K’s truth and no one except K, Memph, and God know what really happened.