Rihanna Gets Named ‘Hottest Woman Right Now’ by Complex

Photo Credit: Complex
Photo Credit: Complex

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Rihanna is having  a great time in her music career as she landed her first number one album ever with “Diamonds,” and she’s even inked lucrative deals with MAC Cosmetics and River Island to launch a successful fashion collection. Right now it pretty much seems like anything Rihanna touches become successful, so we can’t say we were surprised even her MAC lipstick sold out online in three hours. Sure, her on and off romance with Chris Brown may not be a success, but when it comes to her career, Rihanna is clearly on top of her game. So it’s not shocking that Complex named her the “Hottest Woman Right Now” on its list this year. On why Rihanna landed the top spot, the publication writes:

Never one to shy away from the spotlight (or controversy), Rihanna has once again done it big in 2013. She kicked off the year by getting back together with Chris Brown, a runaway favorite in the battle for worst human being on the planet. Fortunately they broke up again, this time without incident. Even while stirring the pot with her personal life, Rihanna has continued to enjoy huge success in her career; she took home her seventh Grammy award in February, and also debuted her own fashion line during London Fashion Week. She’ll also be returning to the big screen next month, playing herself in a small role in the apocalypse-comedy This Is The End.


Here’s the top ten in the correct order:

1. Rihanna
2. Alison Brie
3. Jennifer Lawrence
4. Beyonce
5. Kerry Washington
6. Selena Gomez
7. Nicki Minaj
8. Emilia Clarke
9. Miley Cyrus
10. Kim Kardashian


Congrats to Rihanna for landing the number one spot. Of course Beyonce, Kerry Washington, and Nicki Minaj didn’t do so bad either.


    1. And as always, Rihanna’s fans have nothing to contribute to the conversation. That’s too hard to do, so you scream hate. Oh and “you mad! LMAO” on here when you’re probably in tears about how hard Rih gets dragged on here.

    2. Hating? Oh, you mean what you and that entire thirsty and delusional a-s Navy does when it comes to Beyonce. Calling her a flop when she has never had a flop album a day in her life. However, Rihanna has one, and it took her seven albums to get a number one album. Something Bey does in her sleep. Have a seat.

  1. Hot? So I guess by selecting Rihanna for number one they want to teach little girls to be “hot” in this society, you have to stay naked on IG, take back abusive ex boyfriends, smoke weed and post pics about it to look cool, lack class, have minimum talent, and lack the professionalism it requires to be on time to your own concerts. Yes, she has platinum records, and she’s done good with MAC and her fashion line, but I don’t see her performing for the President of the United States, making Forbes List of the most powerful people, or signing her own checks. That would be Bey, who was oddly number 4. Such low standards for Complex.

  2. Womp, womp. Man, I’d take Bey over Rih any day of the week. Beyonce is a real boss, hell even her husband is Rihanna’s boss. Rih is just playing boss, the Carters are for real. LOL.

    1. You’re stupid. rihanna is her husband boss. Rihanna hire roc Nation to be her mgr. therefor, rihanna can fire roc nation anytime she wants.Rihanna record label is def jam Universal not Roc Nation. RIhanna is the biggest money maker for roc nation .

      1. Let me make one thing clear, don’t call me stupid. I didn’t call you stupid and I could probably make that assumption just based off your grammar and your ignorance pertaining to what management means. Your age shows in your naiveté. Now run along, child.

      2. Stupid? That would be you, dear. Jay-Z doesn’t need to make money off Rihanna. In fact, Rihanna just became a money maker recently. How soon we forget, huh? Don’t get it twisted, she can walk away and he’d still have way more money than her. Oh, and his wife will too. He don’t need her fool, that’s why all Rihanna can do is throw weak a-s shade to Bey. She knows she can’t get as reckless as she wants to because Jay doesn’t need her.

      3. You’re calling someone else stupid with THAT grammar? No wonder you’re a Rihanna fan. You’re not smart enough to know better.

      4. Dummy, Rihanna has to hand over her money to Jay-Z. That makes her his employee. He put her on. And she wouldn’t be where she is right now without him. See, get it now?

      5. Umm, baby, if you’re going to call someone stupid, you might want to make sure you sound much more intelligent in your response. Don’t make it easy to get dragged on here.

      6. Name calling? Really y’all? No one is stupid on here. Please don’t make this site turn into a place for name calling. It’s the last place I have left that’s still grown and civil.

  3. She’s a very sexy chick. Can’t take that away from her, but if we’re talking about resumes and not just looks, she shouldn’t have been number one. It took her 7 albums to be number one. She’s late to her own shows. Can’t sing that well, and can’t even dance. She’s very overrated in my book. Oh well. Congrats I guess.

  4. Number one? Uhh no. Rihanna is so overhyped that now it’s being forced down everyone’s throats. She’s doing pretty good, but she’s not doing anything more than cranking out number one singles…which happen to be catchy songs that lack much substance. Pour It Up anyone? -_-

  5. Had society not become a place where lackluster equates to popularity, Rihanna would have never gotten a record deal.

  6. Oh whatever. I hate what Rihanna stands for. And it scares me that she’s an idol to so many little girls. They will all grow up and be trashy just like she is. Why is having class now so out of style?

  7. I don’t agree. And honestly, Rihanna is very attractive, has a nice body, etc. But to me, she represents all the females who are beautiful but so trashy that men can’t see them as anything more than homies to smoke with and sexual objects. I always read men claiming how much they would smash her, but I haven’t see one say they would marry her. Meanwhile, they all say they would wife Beyonce. Why? Because she’s still a lady at the end of the day. These young girls are lost and Complex is promoting that.

  8. Reading these comment some of yall sound mad. L…M…A..O! Tell why you mad. What? your fav ain’t up there? lol

    1. Actually, she IS up there. Sounds like you’re mad yourself though. Go ahead and hide that behind that “LMAO” though.

  9. Yall know I’m a Bey stan something serious, but I’m not shocked they chose Rih for number one. The young people seem to gravitate towards her. They aren’t a classy bunch either. But me and mines rather have Beyonce. I’d rather shoot for Bey’s life than Rihanna’s. Let’s see, Bey has a successful hubby who is just as rich as she is, a beautiful daughter, she manages herself, she’s adored by the president & the first lady. She doesn’t have to be raunchy for attention either. That’s a strong woman right there. She is the symbol of a successful black woman who did it right. Rih is the symbol for the woman who constantly f-cks up in life. But hey, everyone needs someone to represent them I guess.

  10. She’s only number one to cause controversy. They know most of those females in the top 10 slay her. Chicks on there have oscars and even The First Lady of the United States says she wishes she could be Beyonce. Complex is trolling.

  11. I do not wish to be Rihanna or have her life in any shape, way, or form. But on the real, I would LOVE to be Beyonce. But I’m sure that’s because I’m a grown a-s woman with common sense and I recognize what a real, complete, full life is. When you’re young, you’d think that would be Rihanna’s life. Not at all. Most women want successful careers, wealth, successful husbands, kids, and a chance to travel the world. Bey has that and more. Even Michelle Obama adores her. IJS.

  12. Complex? Oh. Congrats. But wake me up when she’s number one on Forbes, or even in the top 5. #ButImSleepTho

  13. I’m starting to think a lot of this Bey vs. Rih stuff has to do with age. Seems like older women love Bey, younger ones love Rih. And since most of the people on here are a little older, yall are not here for anything related to Rihanna. It’s kind of sad though because i think both are great and there’s room for both. No need to tear the other down. Be happy for both. That IS allowed.

    1. I’m in my early 20’s and I don’t care for Rihanna but I ride for Bey I think a lot of it has to do with maturity in my opinion.

  14. Oh people stop. All of you. Bey and Rihanna are both great! I love both and wish it didn’t become some stupid rivalry made up by stupid fans.

    1. Stupid rivalry created by stupid fans? Actually, Rihanna started all of this when she decided to shade Beyonce on Instagram. So I will continue to drag her on here. Deal.

  15. Its funny how lots of you call Madonna the queen. Madonna did the same thing rihanna is doing even worst.
    Madonna is not a strong singer she uses controversy to establish herself. She steal black music and make it her own. Madonna got into the Rock and roll hall of fame before Smokey Robinson.

    1. We’re black (most of us), so Madonna isn’t a queen to us. In fact, most black people think she’s overrated, trashy, and lacks talent. So you’re not helping Rihanna any with that comparison if you actually like her.

  16. I’m going to be real. I don’t have a problem with Bey! I really don’t. She’s very talented and she’s a legend! But don’t underestimate Rih just because you love Bey. It’s not necessary. I think both are in their own lanes and Rih deserves her props. Be real with yourselves! It doesn’t mean you don’t like Bey

  17. Wow!!! I think the blog sites should totally remove the comments sections from their articles because this is getting brutal. Complete strangers going in on each other and disrespecting one another because of difference of opinions ( by the way everyone is entitled to one). It’s not that serious. If Beyonce or Rihanna read an article about some of you, do you think they would go as hard for you all as you go for them? They are both great in their own right! Let those who celebrate Bey celebrate her and those who celebrate Rihanna celebrate her!

  18. *ALRIGHTY THEN* in my (JIM CAREY VOICE) some people tend to bash BEY because she gets a little nasty sometime but she is WOMAN lets not forget every woman has a nasty side but she also an older woman there should not be no comparison with these two it’s like comparing an orange and a apple they both are fruits so they both are singers BUT they are two different people NO NEED FOR THE BEY N RI BATTLE

    It’s foolish let up!!
    However this company has the right to choose who they want. IF BEY OR RI IS NUMBER ONE IN UR BOOK REMEMBER NOONE CAN TAKE THAT AWAY FRM U!
    I’m not taking sides bey wud look gud at 1#

  19. This is Comlex Magazine opinion that Rih is number one. Rih is hot right now let the girl shine. If you don’t like her stop clicking on post about her. You only going to make yourself more angry then you already are the more she succeeds. Both Beyonce and Rihanna are beautiful ladies. They are two different individuals and are not comparable. They are too different to compare. Beyonce can’t win or have everything. It will soon be another one to take both of there spots. Nothing last forever.

    1. ^The most intelligent comment I have read so far!! I’m sure Beyonce is happy for Rihanna. Some of the fans (both for Rih and Bey) should be better not bitter.

  20. im proud of rihanna. shes doing her thang. and to be quiet honest. thats why all yall sitting behind a computer a computer hating on her success and shes out making more money this week then you will in your life time. so yeah. think about it that way.

    1. Yet you’re sitting behind a computer too and clearly not making anything near what she’s making in a week either. You can’t brag on someone else’s money like it’s yours. So yeah, YOU think about it that way.

  21. Rihanna is not number one in anything, pls. Being the industry hoe, she gets privilege and gets to be put up on top automatically. It’s obvious through the years that she is really a b-tchy, arrogant, pretty dumb, cyberbullying skank. Can’t perform, dance, sing, or write lyrics that are the least impressive, when she does write them. She has money and that’s all she has to throw at people she has beef with, like Ciara. She’s showing kids if you have a lot of money, you are better than the rest. False! Kids are dumb and they also learn the worst possible things they can learn, from her. Rihanna has money, but doesn’t have real friends or guys that would want to marry her and respect her. Needs to get a personality and a brain.

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