Dennis Rodman Slams LeBron James, Goes off on Michael Jordan Comparisons

Photo Credit: Walter Huang/Keith Allison/Urban Belle
Photo Credit: Walter Huang/Keith Allison/Urban Belle

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

The Lebron Michael Jordan comparison causes plenty of debate when it comes to NBA talk. LeBron James isn’t called “King James” for no reason. It’s no doubt LeBron is one of the best players in the NBA right now. And now that he’s finally gotten a ring and happens to be on one of the most talented teams in the league, it’s clear his future will get even brighter. However, when someone demonstrates a lot of undeniable talent on the basketball court these days, the Michael Jordan comparisons will come. And while LeBron has already said he doesn’t want to be another Mike and is pretty happy with being LeBron, most in his dedicated fan base don’t seem to agree. Similar to Kobe Bryant’s fans, they believe not only is LeBron like Mike, but some actually think he’s even more talented. Recently, Magic Johnson took to his Twitter account to shut down those comparisons, and in the process said he felt Kobe was the most similar to MJ because of his “warrior” mentality. Now it appears former NBA star Dennis Rodman is also chiming in and he wasn’t as classy as Magic was. In fact, Dennis went in and made it clear he wants the comparisons to stop because he thinks most of the players nowadays are too weak to be compared to the GOAT. In a recent interview on the Dan Patrick Show, he says:

“It’s really not a comparison. If LeBron was playing in the late ’80s and early ’90s, he would be just an average player. To do what Michael has done … what he did was more charisma, there was more articulating and stuff like that. LeBron is more like … there’s no flash to his game. He’s a great player, don’t get me wrong, he’s a h*ll of a player, I’ll give him that … But to me Scottie and Michael are probably the two best one-two punches I’ve ever seen.

“LeBron came into the age of the game at a perfect time. Michael came into the game when back then you could hit people, knock him down, shoot a free throw and get back up. And LeBron can’t do that. All they do today is b*tching about a foul. All they do is b*tch.”


Dennis Rodman did admit he believes the Miami Heat are a more talented team than the Chicago Bulls were in their prime with Jordan, but he doesn’t think LeBron and company would have been able to beat them:

“The Heat has better talent than we had, but we had smarter players.

“If I was 28 years old guarding LeBron … are you kidding me? If he scored on me, I would be like, okay, thanks. Guess what, though? Sooner or later, somebody’s gotta win, somebody’s gotta lose, and most of the time I don’t lose.”


Check out the clip below:


  1. Rodman is preaching the MF truth right here. Jordan would slaughter these pu–ies in today’s NBA.

  2. If Jordan was guarding Tony Parker in the final seconds of game one, Jordan’s team would be up 1-0.

  3. I’m 100% a Lebron fan, but I do respect Jordan’s legacy. But what I don’t get is why everyone makes a big deal out of this comparison thing. People act like Lebron said he’s the next Jordan or said he’s better, Lebron and Jordan have two different playing styles and a lot of people just don’t like him so they keep this comparison going. It’s a new generation in this sport so it’s only time for another great player to come along, he’s not trying to knock Jordan in any way, he’s building his own brand!

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