Joseline Hernandez Wants to be a Role Model

Photo Credit: @thebaddestputa Instagram
Photo Credit: @thebaddestputa Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Joseline Hernandez and her rather dysfunctional relationship with Stevie J. has been one of the central storylines on “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta.” One of the main reasons their relationship has been so polarizing is because it’s also involving a third person. Mimi Faust has been dealing with Stevie romantically on and off for 15 years, and even though she decided to get off the producer’s bus and started dating Nikko, rumors suggest the relationship is on the outs and Mimi has even led some to believe she gave Stevie a key to her new place. Regardless, Stevie’s relationship with Joseline may have changed plenty in season two as he at least appears to be giving Joseline some sort of commitment, however he does still throw the Puerto Rican Princess’ past in her face when they get in one of their numerous arguments.

Joseline took to her Twitter account the other day to make it clear that she is not ashamed of her past. In fact, she thinks a lot of young girls and women can learn a lot from her struggles.

After Stevie J. called her out for being a former “street-walker” on the last episode, Joseline confirmed that she did do some favors for cash, but she still wants little girls to learn from her past. Joseline tweets:

joseline hernandez twitter


In related news, MTO is reporting Joseline and Stevie J. are now married. If you recall a couple of weeks ago we reported there were whispers that these two tied the knot in Puerto Rico. They even had rings on their ring fingers. But as we said a couple of weeks ago, we’re not believing anything we hear but only what can be proven. Until these two get a real marriage license, we’re just labeling it a publicity stunt for now. And considering how fake a lot of reality TV people are these days, perhaps it just makes sense.


  1. Ok I like joseline crazy A but dont be a role model…you arent ready for that yet! Hoever, you can tell girls to go another route and dont choose the lifestyle you use to live.

  2. Believe it or not, I get what she’s trying to say. She wants to show these young girls what not to do but just being on reality TV isn’t enough. If she’s not out here talking to young girls and getting in the community doing real work, she shouldn’t be taken seriously.

  3. She has a long way to go before she can be a role model. One thing she needs to do is drop Stevie. They have such a pimp and whore relationship.

  4. I don’t think that Joseline was saying that she wanted to be a role model, but that she doesn’t want other young girls to take the road she was on when she was younger. When someone can be honest about what they did in their past and not put on a ficade, that is something to applaud. People will use the things you did in your past to sometimes hurt you and try and bring you done, but when you are an open book people can’t expose your secrets because you were already 100 about it. She can be a role model showing young girls what not to do. I like Joseline because to me she was the realest on the show on last season; she said what she wanted and did what she wanted and was true to herself no apologies. That’s why a lot of people like her and are rooting for her. I don’t condone everything she does, but in order to understand the things that some people do you have to know what they dealt with as a child and their past. Joseline had a hard life, a mother who put her out and was emotionally absent, but would take money from Joseline when she came back from stripping and doing whatever else to survive and she was only a child then. A lesson to be learned from Joseline’s story and countless others who came from dire circumstances is that just because you came from hard knocks doesn’t mean that you have to stay there and it isn’t too late to change. You may just find yourself living out your wildest dreams:)

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