Meagan Good Claps Back at the Backlash over Her BET Awards Dress

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

The Meagan Good BET Awards 2013 controversy has caused plenty of debates in the black community. Meagan Good should be used to being the target of criticism by now, especially since the criticism only intensified after she married young pastor DeVon Franklin. Now that the actress has also added “First Lady” to her resume, everything she does gets scrutinized. Meagan has already tried to explain she’s still human and tries very hard to be a great woman and wife to her husband, but even DeVon’s recent defending of her hasn’t been enough to silence the critics. So it’s probably not a shocker the dress she wore to the 2013 BET Awards caused a lot of backlash and the actress and her husband were slammed on social media for her wardrobe choices. Meagan clapped back by posting a positive comment sent to her that pretty much summed up her feelings on the controversy:

meagan good bet awards 2013


Meagan’s “clap back” only led to more criticism. Here are some of the angry responses written on her account:

When you are a LEADER of a church you are appointed by God. LEADERS have a different standard than the rest of the congregation

I am a huge fan and think you are one if the most beautiful actresses I’ve seen. I am also a believer and its not that you didn’t look stunning at the award show because you did but there is a modesty that we as women of God should have not for man but because it pleases God. And that’s not religious. You def set an example for women and I think you should be mindful of that when making decisions about anything not just clothes. Still love and respect you! But set a #standard

1 Thessalonians 4:3-7. Outfits like thst causes others to LUST and accprding (sic) to verse 6, one who clsims (sic) to be in Christ shouldn’t do that to their brother or sister. Period. Why would God tell you to expose your body to others being that you’re a married woman. He uses an analogy in Ezekiel 16 of such women to describe the Israelites… WHY woul (sic) you do that? There is a way to be “sexy” without having your breasts and nipples exposed. You are too beautiful to do that and quite frankly you hsve (sic) a husband, so its not like you’re doing it to get a man. God didn’t tell you to wear that, that was your own flesh.

I don’t even go in on celebs like that cause I can’t even imagine the pressure but forreal (sic), you should not have worn that and even more so presenting a gospel award. Come on, this is why people take black folk for a joke. We can put the religion to the side and deal with our self-respect right now. I swear I’m only saying this cause I want you and all of us to do better because I know we can. These flashing lights and glam crap has gotten us confused. It was inappropriate and you gotta own up to that. Forget the “do you” and whatever other phrase we want to coin for us not wanting to be held accountable for our stuff. This is all out of love. We can be better!


Meagan also joined in on the conversation and responded to her followers by telling them exactly how she feels about the controversy:

@adriannacolbert That’s the thing Girl- is that I don’t feel convicted about this at all .,my spirit is saddened that our people only know one way to think and process things.. I’m not any less holy because the dress I wore -I may not be who people think I should be -but I’m morphing into exactly who God wants me to be.. My excuse is never “I’m going to do me” and I don’t feel that I need to make an excuse or defend or what I wore .. I know I have a responsibility -and I’m working daily to fulfill the full potential of all God has created me to be.. A dialogue was started about my character, integrity, my walk with God and my Husband -simply based on a dress that I wore.., Of course I’m going to have a reaction to people saying negative things… It’s just sad.. Makes me sad not regretful.. My heart and spirit is always open to whatever my Father would want to share with me… And my spirit tells me to be exactly who I authentically am -because that’s what’s going to reach who I was authentically designed to touch.. people like me who are often misunderstood and told their cut of God’s promise -because they don’t look the role …when God doesn’t care about us “looking the role”..he is always cared about bringing us in -and us being whatever we need to be to bring Those left out in .. And it just makes me sad that us as Christians can’t see beyond our initial reaction and don’t seek God before the attack other brothers and sisters …and never think for one moment that: God knows what he’s doing and he uses everything for his glory .. and he has a plan for every specific situation.. I had intentions on anything .. Merely picked a dress I saw and loved … God knows my heart and that I didn’t do anything wrong .. And he will use even people’s thoughts to bring him glory


Here’s the dress that caused the backlash:


meagan good bet awards 2013 3


  1. People need to get off of their soap boxes. Just like they could easily point at her dress and says she’s not a real Christian, someone could point at something they have said/done that isn’t real Christian like either. No one is perfect. We all fall short.

  2. Meagan Good shouldn’t get a pass. Other first ladies don’t. They have to dress the part, so why does not have to?

  3. With all the preaching and judging she does on Twitter, she should be able to take the criticism.

  4. I can’t act like I don’t see where people are coming from. She was wearing THAT when she presented the Gospel award. Now how many First Ladies do you think would have worn that…or even Gospel singers? She should have been a little more tasteful considering what she was presenting.

  5. She can wear whatever she wants, but with that choice comes criticism. She is a first lady now, and that’s not what most first ladies would wear. She’s supposed to be a role model, but she’s acting ignorant about how superficial this society is. I don’t care what she says, people will judge you for what you wear. She needs to be real about that and explain that to the girls she mentors.

  6. As a wife, I feel the bigger issue is her putting the dress on and not considering what impact it would have on her husband who is a pastor. It’s not just about her anymore. They are one, and what she wears is a reflection if him and his work.

    My other issue is why does she still feel like in order to be sexy and desirable she has to show so much skin? That’s very immature thinking.

    1. We all need to understand that Mr. DeVon knew what he was marrying when he married Megan. The word of God tells us we must be born of the water and of the spirit in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. Anybody can call themselves a Pastor, but the truth of the matter is God calls his Pastors according to his own heart (Jeremiah 3:15). It is true we all fall short of the glory of God, but the Holy Spirit convicts us of intentional SINS. The young lady said she is not convicted of her decision to wear that dress and expose her NAKED body to the world. The word of God is not just something we should speak, it is the LIVING WORD. We have to live the word, All of the word. Psalm 119:105 says, the word is a lamp for our feet and light to guide our path. When we are being truly guided by God we are always going to be convicted by things we do that is in the word of God telling us not to do. Before I was born of the water and of the spirit, I use to make those type of decisions. Let’s pray that one day she will really KNOW God and his ways.

      1. Its a dress that shows a neckline where did you see that she was naked oh judgmental one? Cause I missed that one.

  7. She’s starting to get on my nerves. Don’t talk the big Christian game if you can’t back it up.

  8. People are quick to say something when a young black woman wears something. If memory serves me correct a few years ago J-Lo wore something just as revealing but no one said anything bad about it but the minute a black woman does its an issue. To make matters worse its coming from her own people. Just because you believe in a certain religion doesnt mean you should have to be this prude. Hell by the book everyone should be in those brown robes praying everyday in the church but i dont see everyone doing that. In the bible it says not to eat pig but they serve pig at every church gathering and even in their own homes. If you truly believe then you cannot judge one for their actions. You should just be worried about your family and whatever relationship you have with the higher power. Lets remember she is in hollywood she is gonna get offers to wear the lastest fashion desgin among other things. Let this woman live

  9. Not judging, but that dress was way to revealing. She is beautiful, she don’t have to put it out there like this.

  10. Seems to me more “First Ladies” should care about what they wear then maybe their “pastor husbands” would stay more interested. Church folk kill me going in on the wife and half of these pastors screwing every other woman and sometimes men right up in the church but I guess that’s acceptable. Bottomline, her husband LOVED her dress and he married her not all you judgmental people. This is why the black church are losing their members. God is God so let God be the judgment and not you. Half you woman up here talking probably don’t even have a man but you worried about someone else man. GET A LIFE!

  11. So….nobody seems to fault this preacher/minister for marrying a sex symbol. She was who she was before him and he was fully aware of her “sex symbolness” before the meet. He married a damn sex symbol, now she’s expected to change just cause she’s the women? That’s the choice he made.

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