By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
There hasn’t been much news released on the status of Beyonce’s upcoming studio album, but her spokesperson did confirm recently the singer is still recording music for her fifth album. Since her Super Bowl performance, Beyonce has teased her fans with a couple of new tracks, but she hasn’t released any official singles as of yet and some seem to think it’s a sign that the Queen Bey may be stuck in a hard place. Regardless of her critics, Beyonce’s tour is doing extremely well and she’s still big enough of a star to make headline news for a hair cut, so one would think her next album should chart just fine despite the reported setbacks.
According to new reports, Beyonce was at Coney Island the other day shooting a music video, and while there’s no confirmation or word yet on what video she’s shooting exactly, a new report from the New York Post claims the singer managed to anger a woman who decided to visit the amusement park the same day Beyonce arrived to shoot a video.
Dorris Hone says she got on the ferris wheel with a friend around 7:30pm on Thursday, but she and her friend were left dangling from the 150-foot ride allegedly because Beyonce’s entourage needed the ferris wheel for the video shoot. According to the report, Beyonce had been at the park for several hours and recording the video at various attractions.
The park staff reportedly unloaded about six to 10 other riders when Beyonce arrived and the woman claims Beyonce was getting her makeup done below when her fear of heights kicked in and she begin screaming for her life.
Eventually the ferris wheel began to move again, but Dorris Hone says she was still shaken up. She also feels the superstar owes her an apology. She tells the New York Post:
“Ironically, my son is a big fan of Beyoncé. I’m just really shaken up.”
“It would be nice to get an apology from her.”
Beyonce’s camp hasn’t responded as of yet to the report.
Oh please. If you’re so afraid of heights, why the hell did your silly behind get on the ferris wheel? The lies people tell.
Thank you!
Another day, another hater.
LOL. You can’t be too afraid of heights if you got on the ferris wheels out of all things.
Whatever! She hurt her credibility when she said she was afraid of heights. I’m terrified of heights and I would NEVER get on the ferris wheel.
While I think this woman just wants attention, Bey should just apologize and keep it moving. No need to let this pick up any steam in the media.
Somebody please tell Keri Hilson’s momma to have a seat. Doing her hater daughter’s dirty work and ish. Stop it.
Considering her dumb arse was already on the ride, laughing and having a good time before Beyonce came, it’s hard for me to take her seriously.
Stupid. I swear people will do anything for attention.
Beyonce is not the first nor will she be the last self-entitled celebrity. Get over it lady.
It amazes me how people put celebrities on a pedestal on a daily basis and then get shocked when they actually act higher than thou and do some rude sh-t.
This is so true…I agree
Now ain’t this the damn truth, and I actually like Bey.
Well Beyonce does think she’s a god so…
Says the stan of one of the most arrogant singers of today…RIHANNA! *rolls eyes*
LOL please get her together real quick.
This is so silly. But Beyonce should just apologize, so she won’t look bad.
Maybe the park should have closed so she could shoot her video. I wouldn’t want to have paid money to go to the amusement park to end up having to wait around for rides (or on a ride) for any celebrity.
I agree. She should ask for an apology from them too since that means so much to her.
I think they should have made sure everyone was off before they shut it down for Beyonce. But hey, that would make too much sense.
They park manager should apologize unless Bey was handling the controls