By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
In some very sad news, it’s been reported by multiple sources that NFL star Adrian Peterson’s son is currently in critical condition after the two-year-old was severely attacked by a man who is currently dating his mother. TMZ is reporting the child is currently in critical condition at a hospital in South Dakota. The website writes:
Adrian Peterson’s 2-year-old son is currently in critical condition in a South Dakota hospital … after he was allegedly severely beaten by the man dating the mother of his child, TMZ has learned.
The Minnesota Vikings running back immediately left his team to be with his son.
Officials tell us they’ve arrested the suspect, 27-year-old Joseph Patterson … who’s been charged with aggravated felony assault and battery of an infant.
Police tell the website emergency responders got to the scene of the crime and found the child severely hurt and unresponsive on Wednesday at 5:46 pm at the apartment the child has been living, and he was rushed to a nearby hospital where medical experts determined that the injuries were consistent with those of a child who has been abused.
It’s also been reported that the child suffered multiple head injuries.
Argus Leader claims the man has a past of domestic abuse that involves another woman, and the woman actually filed a protective order against him in 2004.
As far as Adrian’s son is concerned, the assault on infant charge involves causing a child’s head to sustain impact with an object in a matter that causes swelling in the brain or bleeding, blows and shaking.
Jesus take the wheel! This just hurts my heart when I hear this stuff happen to children. Praying this little one a full recovery. If Adrian beat his a-s to a pulp he would be 100% right. When will women learn you can’t bring every man around your children. Adrian needs full custody immediately!
You have to be a real piece of sh-t to beat on women and children.
That bastard! That is a baby he hurt! Ugh! I can’t stand sick people like him! I’m praying for the child and the fam!
This is why women have to really be careful who we bring around our kids…
I completely agree.
This is so sad. It’s some terrible people out here in the world. Praying for Adrian and his son.
I think I would have killed this man if I was Adrian or the child’s mother. I’d nut up for real.
Jesus Christ….Smh!
What the???!!!! That is so horrible!
And I bet this man was abusive to Adrian’s BM too. Rarely does a man just hit the kid and not the mom first. That’s why women have to leave abusive men. It’s rare that they don’t eventually start hurting the kids.
This is so heartbreaking. I am praying for Adrian and his family.
Sometimes it’s hard for me to grasp the fact that there are such evil people in the world.
I know.
I hope they throw him under the jail and the prisoners treat him like the coward he is.
I’m speechless
Prayers up. That man should spend the rest of his life in prison. He obviously has some serious problems.
Whatt Dahh Hell ???!!! Watss Wronqq Witt Dhatt Mann ?? Who Beatss On A Younqq Innocent Childd Likee Dhatt ? Ihh Hopee Adrian Beatt Tf Outta Himm ! Andd If Dhiss Childd Die(Whichh Probablyy Wont Happen)Ihh Hopeee His Spirit Comee Bkk Andd Hauntt Andd Thenn He Wouldd Be Lookin Stupid ! Thatt Poor Lil Babii Ihh Hopee He’s Okaeee !
Praying for this baby….smh…
lol @ Alexis.. Wow!! all that effort into not spelling the the words right by adding extra letters.. You did that!!! (SMH) young’n(S) WTH…. This is a sad story… Lord, if it was my child. I’ll be on my way to HELL already.
I just read the little boy died. Just sad