By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Monday afternoon it was confirmed by Entertainment Tonight Online that Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade fathered a son with another woman in November, despite his very long relationship with Gabrielle Union.
The athlete’s camp told the media that the child was conceived while he was on a break from his relationship with Union, but we already told you we’re not buying any of that considering the rumors about him getting a woman knocked up are over several months old. And since that rumor ended up being true, we’re also inclined to believe the other part of the rumor which suggested he actually conceived the baby while he was with Gabby is accurate as well.
Regardless, D Wade is still pushing that story and he held a press conference yesterday to address the controversy.
He tells reporters:
“I had a time, a part in our break, in our pain and our hurt, a blessing came out of it in my life, having a son that was born healthy. So I’m moving on.
“…I’ve always tried to show my importance in my kids’ lives and it doesn’t change now. So, I, my lady and my family have continued to move forward, and I think that’s evident with the ring and the proposal that I gave her, with our lives.
“Dwyane Wade told reporters he decided to confirm the news because he’s in the public eye and it comes with the territory, but we’re actually hearing differently.”
According to the latest gossip, D Wade’s alleged baby mama Sandrina Schultz was preparing to put D Wade on blast regarding their baby together, so D Wade pulled a major PR move and decided to come forward with the news first. Of course it’s also rumored that he was advised to say the child was conceived during the “break” so his image wouldn’t take such a major hit. In fact, apparently Gabrielle Union’s vacay to the Bahamas is also allegedly part of their big PR move, and it was coordinated that she would take a trip with her girls while the news would be confirmed and D Wade’s press conference was held. But of course, that’s all just gossip.

In related news, Sandrina Schultz’s reputation isn’t very stellar. While D Wade told reporters she’s just a longtime friend, apparently she’s been linked to Lamar Odom.
In fact, she’s allegedly one of the many women he cheated with while he was married to Khloe Kardashian and Sandrina even did an interview recently with Star Magazine in which she talked about his substance abuse issue:
Sandrina’s past with D Wade is allegedly even messier. Rumors from multiple blogs from the course of the last year claim she was paid for her sexual services because the athlete allegedly insisted she participated in sex parties.
Gabrielle Union has known about Sandrina allegedly for a long time, in fact Sandrina was allegedly the one who sent the tip to the blogs MONTHS ago about the pregnancy. But according to D Wade, they were on break when the baby happened even though the math isn’t adding up.
Update: Well it appears Sandrina may not be D Wade’s new baby mama. Despite what’s been fed to the urban blogs, TMZ has managed to get their hands on what they believe is the actual birth certificate for the Miami Heat star’s new son.
According to the certificate, the child’s mother is Aja Metoyer. Metoyer has two kids already with Damon Wayans, Jr. He’s the son to successful comedian Damon Wayans and is also an actor in his own right. So she’s not new to squeezing out kids with a celebrity.
The baby’s name is Xavier Zechariah Wade and as we stated earlier, he was just born last month.
In fact, D Wade’s third son was born just six weeks before he proposed to Gabrielle Union.

Good Lawd this whole situation is a hot mess! Good luck with all of that Gabby!
Most people are smart enough to see through this obvious damage control D Wade has set up. They were not on a break when he got that jump off pregnant. He cheated, got her pregnant, Gabby found out and left him. But being that she’s desperate to be his wife, she forgave him and he proposed just so he wouldn’t look completely bad.
I don’t even think they will get married. This was just another stunt to keep his “father of the year” image intact. lol
I swear these athletes love them some damn groupies. It’s almost like they deliberately go out looking for them or something. All of them are idiots.
It will be interesting to ask Gabby in about 10 years was all of this really worth it…I bet she will say it wasn’t.
She’s knows it’s not worth it now. But she will keep on fronting because she doesn’t want the public to know we were right all along. Too much pride.
This man is not marriage material. It’s obvious he will not be faithful to any woman. Gabrielle needs to run and get away from all this drama. But she won’t because she’s in her 40s and she thinks D Wade is her last chance for marriage. So sad.
WOW!!!!! Gabby, girl get out of there as fast as you can!
I bet this chick is a NBA escort. That’s what D Wade gets for sleeping with her without any protection. Next, she will kick his a-s in child support.
This is so ratchet. Ladies, is a ring really worth all this?
Low self esteem has Gabby out here looking pathetic. And for her to go with this obvious PR stunt just so he won’t look bad after he dogged her like that has made me lose any respect I had left for her. Forget a life coach, she needs some common sense and self esteem!
I’m still confused someone as gorgeous as Gabby with her own money can be this naive.
This chick looks like she’s a tramp. lol
I don’t know if situation make her the better woman or the weaker woman than me.
Either way. Cheat, just maybe.. A baby? Sorry UB fam but DAT N%%%% will have to go..
Gab it’s just a feeling. Don’t love control you girl.
Why the hell is he having unprotected anyway? That alone shows hedon’t care about his life much less hers.
This heffa went from Lamar Odom’s cracked out a-s to a Miami Heat star. You know she wasn’t walking away from this without a baby. LOL!
Exactly, I wouldn’t even stand in line behind a crackhead.
These men are Whatless
The break thing was always questionable to me. But the fact is even if it did happen on a break, he didn’t care about Gabby or himself too much if he had sex with this other woman without a condom. That’s not how someone acts when they are in love. D Wade was walking around here calling Gabby a Black Queen and all this crap and being a straight up whore when she wasn’t around. He’s a loser and Sio is looking like the real winner with each second more ish comes out. Now if she can just get more time with the boys…
Gabrielle needs to get checked out for STDs. This man is gross.
Gabby saw red flags a long time ago but still decided to hang on for dear life. I have no sympathy for her.
She can tweet whatever she wants to, I think deep down inside she has to be questioning why she took him back. And he will only get more trifling. He’s in his 30s. Men don’t change in their 30s.
Times like this being single doesn’t seem so bad after all!
lol agreed
Yeah, there was no phucking break. He cheated and Gabby left him. But because she’s weak, she took him back. Where would this idiot be without his great publicist?
Gabby is looking dumber by the day. I guess she thinks it’s worth it tho.
We may never know who this woman is. But what we do know is D Wade is man whore who has no intentions on ever changing. That much is certain.
Some women are determined to become wealthy through their uterus. I just can’t relate.
This doesn’t make it any less ratchet though, it doesn’t matter WHO he knocked up, the fact is he did it.
He seems to have a thing for lighter women. Interesting for someone who keeps calling Gabby his black queen…
Doesn’t matter, she’s a gold digger too. They all are.
I’m just thankful I’m not in this situation and neither is anyone close to me. No matter what Gabrielle says, I know she’s got to be hurt from the whole situation.
Can someone clarify exactly what a “break” is. I thought a break is when a couple takes time apart from each other to figure things out, with the intention on getting back together. Not we have sex with other people and see what happens. Karma is definitely playing its part on Gabby.