By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Pop star Rihanna got all dolled up and headed to “Good Morning America” this morning to discuss recently nabbing the honor of being named an icon by the American Music Awards and her new Viva Glam campaign with MAC. She even subtly confirmed that new music is on the way and we have the highlights of the interview and video as well.
On her recent Grammy win:
“I was at home and was shocked. It was a surprisingly emotional experience. I was at home and my friend texted me and told me that I won (a Grammy). I looked on the internet and saw it there – ‘Unapologetic’. I was excited and glad to be excited at this point in my career.”
On being considered an icon in music just several years in the industry:
“It is a very surreal feeling. It’s almost like I can’t touch it. It felt like I was dreaming. It didn’t feel real and still doesn’t. Because I feel there’s so much I still want to do. “Icon” is such a big word. So the pressure is on (laughs).”
And on what the future holds for her music career:
“Music is what I love to do. So you never have to worry about that.”
She even took some time out to pose and snap photos with her fans (Photo Credit: Rihanna Daily):
Check out the video below:
UB y’all are fast today! LOL! Anyway, she looks gorgeous and she’s very humble. I know a lot of people don’t think she deserves to be an icon for whatever delusional reasons they may have, but I love that she doesn’t seem to let that bring her down. I love her. She’s so down to earth and works so hard.
have you seen how she treats people on twitter and in public, humble for the camera…
She looks very pretty. I love her outfit. *exits post*
She looks nice with black hair. That’s all I got.
No shade, but I still think it’s way too soon to call her an icon. She’s just getting started and I’m sure she will do even bigger things. But that’s just my opinion Navy don’t come for me. lol
She’s the first artist to get over a billion YouTube views…she has more number one singles than a living icon Madonna and she’s only 25. What do you mean she’s not an Icon? Come on now.
Tell em!
Thank you!
She’s an icon. Get over it. I don’t know why people keep trying to discredit this girl’s success so hard. And it’s sad because y’all don’t do that to white singers, only your own. Learn how to support your own kind and stop dragging them on these blogs. It’s disgusting some of the things I read about Beyonce and Rihanna on other blogs. Too much negativity and hate on the internet for me! It’s not that bad on here but damn it’s just so sad what I read on most of the other blogs. Y’all need to be happy for black people winning!
*hops off soapbox*
Oh goodness. I wasn’t hating. Believe me, I want Rihanna to do well. I’m just saying that it’s too early to call her an icon because she’s just getting started. She just got her first number one album. She has way more accomplishments to rack up to be a real icon like the others. These things take time. Is she winning and is she one of the people on top? No doubt! But icon though? Not yet, but she will get there.
But I understand your frustration. One of the reasons I prefer this blog over many others is the comment sections aren’t that bad. I see so many terrible things written by other black women and men about Beyonce, Rihanna, Jay Z and other successful blacks and it really makes me angry that people could even type those things. So I agree with you more than you know.
Love the black hair on her!
She looks the best with black hair.
Agreed and I love it she rocks a short cut too. She looks pretty.
I think she looks pretty. As far as the icon thing goes, I’m not a fan but I can say I’m happy to see another black woman doing this well. Beyonce and Rihanna are doing it big and I’m genuinely happy for them both because it’s not common for black artists to be that successful at the same time.
She’s gorgeous! And yes, Rihanna is already an icon. But so is Beyonce. They both slay and haters will deal! 🙂
Congrats to her. Without the unnecessary drama and shading on social networks, I’ve mustered up some genuine happiness for her. And as everyone else has said, she looks great. I love the black hair on her as well. She rocks a meeeeeeeeean short cut tho. Hopefully that’ll be returning soon too.
Love her!
But she has nothing on queen Bey
and on that note *sucks teeth*
It’s honestly easier for me to just to ignore her than dislike her or debate with her fans. However I do think she looks better with black hair. *Exits post behind CiCi*