By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
As Porsha Williams’ fate on “Real Housewives of Atlanta” remains in limbo, it now appears she may have even more drama to worry about these days like an angry music producer slamming her in the media. According to a new report, producer Pierre Medor is accusing Porsha of stealing his song, “Perfectly Worthless.”
The producer’s camp send the following statement to The YBF:
In the business more than one artist will record the same song hoping for the right outcome, as was the case with Perfectly Worthless. Porsha Stewart wanted a song, Pierre Medor wrote and produced this song in its entirety. Not having any previous point of reference for Porsha, we initially recorded the song for the purpose of determining her vocal abilities and how they would fit with this particular song; it was quickly determined that this song wasn’t the best match for her, so we chose not to sell her the song and notified her management of our decision.
The producer then decides to get messy and actually shaded Porsha’s failed marriage too:
Perfectly Worthless” is a great song and she loves it…we get that. But just like every body doesn’t look good in spandex, every voice doesn’t fit every song. It’s just unfortunate that Porsha has chosen to create another delusional marriage with this song by airing it and claiming to have taken part in its creation.
Interestingly enough, Pierre didn’t seem to have any problems appearing on the latest episode of RHOA and he was even filmed in the studio as Porsha recorded the song. To make matters even more confusing, he even nodded his head in approval several times as Porsha sang the song.
So we’re not sure if he’s just trying to distance himself from Porsha because he now doesn’t want to be associated with her due to negative press or if folks on social media may have made him regret ever cosigning Porsha’s voice in the first place.
Regardless, his camp tells The YBF that he did agree to appear on the episode before he decided to sell the track to “R&B Divas” star Syleena Johnson.
This producer needs to have a seat. He had no problems being on camera and smiling and pretending like he liked Porsha’s voice on that episode, so don’t cry about it now.
Thank you!
This producer is very unprofessional and catty.
Agreed. If he wants to become a top producer, he might want to learn how to talk less and be about his business. This is a bad move and he’s making himself look very unprofessional. And Porsha didn’t steal the song. He was there and gave her the approval to record it on the show. In the end he went with someone else, but he definitely enjoyed the camera time he did get.
Boy bye. You wanted to be on TV. Enough said.
LOL!!!! Damn he must be Team Twirl.
He knew Porsha couldn’t sing from jump. He only agreed to deal with her because he wanted to get some camera time. Very tacky of him.
While he’s out here trying to make Porsha look stupid, he’s making himself look dumber. Now he’s that producer that like to run to the blogs and be messy. I wouldn’t work with him.
Damn Porsha keeps on losing in life!!!
Who? I guess he’s trying to get some shine. #shrugs
This is really ridiculous. Everyone saw him on the last episode, encouraging Porsha and he even acted like he liked her singing. It’s really low of him to slam her now when he acted like he enjoyed it on the show. I guess he was just using her to get on RHOA. Smh.
I’ve never heard of this producer before. But seeing how overdramatic/messy he’s being about this, I can see why.
LOL. Wait. Who’s checking for Syleena Johnson though? Hell more people watch RHOA than R&B Divas. If he was a smart business man, he would have stuck it out with Porsha because she’s already more popular than Syleena is and her Flatline song is actually doing well on iTunes. I say his loss. Porsha will be ok.
Eh, it’s kind of hard for someone to steal a song if you give them permission to use it. So basically this man just wants attention?
So they’re both liars. He lied and told her she sounded good and Porsha lied and said she helped write the song. I’d say they are even.
Anything to get on TV I guess.
Kenya laughs.
I don’t think Kenya should be laughing when she got mollywhopped at the reunion. Just saying.
For what? Kenya’s even more of a joke.
Porsha is so stupid.
Could it be he hasn’t received his proper percentage from the profits since the release of the song and that’s why he’s trying to drag Porsha in this b!tch? IJS It happens with producers and artists all the time (i.e Kandi & Kim)