By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Why did NeNe and Cynthia fall out? We told you yesterday that it was only a matter of time before rumors starting circulating about the demise of NeNe Leakes and Cynthia Bailey’s friendship, and it appears that some sources are suggesting NeNe and Cynthia are no longer friends for a more scandalous reason.
According to a new report, the former besties aren’t on good terms because Cynthia allegedly went behind NeNe’s back and befriended one of Gregg Leakes’ alleged jump offs and even hired her to be her publicist.
Reality Tea writes:
A source close to the situation revealed to us, “Cynthia Bailey broke the number one rule in her and Nene Leakes FRIEND contract. DO NOT hang out with Greg’s jumpoff.”
Our source reports that NeNe is not thrilled over Cynthia hiring Pam and then befriending her in the process, “Cynthia and celebrity publicist Pam Pinnock have gotten really close and been hanging out while the publicist has been helping Cynthia revamp her model agency’s public image. Cynthia decided to hire a well known publicist to clean up the agency brand or maybe to piss Nene off. Nene found out they been hanging out and EVERYBODY knows Nene don’t like sharing her friends. But especially the ones who have shared a bed with her man Greg.”
Blogger Straight from the A was the first to break the story suggesting that Pam Pinnock was allegedly Gregg’s boo thang after his marriage to NeNe faltered and the couple got divorced, but apparently NeNe isn’t too happy that Cynthia would now hire the same woman her husband dated after their demise.
Now none of this has been confirmed from NeNe, Gregg, Cynthia or Pam, so we’re labeling it as gossip for now.
I think the real issue is Cynthia got cool with Kenya. Let’s face it…NeNe is super jealous of Kenya because Kenya came and stole her throne. Anything else Cynthia did comes second to that.
Here y’all go with that whole jealous BS again. Look, it’s really simple. If you came into a show and made the show a success, how would you feel it the network hired someone to push you out? It’s no different from someone being hired so the company can get rid of you in the next month. Kenya was hired to get rid of NeNe. You damn right she can’t stand Kenya. That bish is about to make her lose her job. Get out of Kenya’s butt hole and see it for what it is.
Girl they won’t understand until it happens to Kenya, and it definitely will.
Right! Team Twirl thinks reality television is permanent! Please! They will love you for five seasons and take you down in the next. It’s show business and good for ratings!
Thank you. I keep trying to tell people they are trying to force NeNe to quit. The producers have been plotting with Kenya for a good minute to make things so bad for NeNe that she will walk on her own. NeNe has peeped the game and she’s furious because she is hurt Cynthia would willingly start kicking it with Kenya when she knows what the producers are doing to NeNe. And I bet Cynthia went and hired Pam after she got cool with Kenya too. She ain’t loyal. She’s fake.
Oh wow. I hope this is not true because Cynthia should know better. But it’s interesting because NeNe didn’t say this. Maybe NeNe is smart enough to understand you never share your own dirt.
Say what? Damn Cynthia.
I do think it is deeper than Kenya. NeNe was off and on with Kim for forever even after all the fallouts they had. We all NeNe is crazy but she is loyal. It may be time for her to move along and get a spin off cause all this drama is not productive for anyone.
It does seem like it’s deeper than what NeNe is saying. She just seemed so angry and hurt on WWHL. It was just bizarre. Even Andy could sense it.
I am not surprised. Everyone just swears Cynthia is all innocent and loyal, but look who she married. She’s just as low down as Peter. Both of them are users and now that Kenya is the new queen of the show, they are now Team Twirl. They are loyal to no one but themselves.
Hmm this sounds very plausible.
Oh now this is getting good!
I think this could be true. NeNe was so mad the other night that it just seemed like it was more to the story than she was willing to tell. I really hope they can be friends again one day because I liked their friendship. It’s just sad what reality television can do to friendships and marriages.
Cynthia got a backbone and NeNe could not deal. The end.
Cynthia should not have hired this woman if she knew Gregg used to be with her. That was really wrong.
Nene has just gotten too arrogant for me. I loved her back in the earlier seasons, but she has really become a nasty person. Cynthia has always held her down. In fact NeNe was the only person she was loyal to. This is about Kenya. I believe even Gregg’s whoring can’t make NeNe as mad as Kenya does.
Cynthia crossed the line if this is true.
I have a feeling Cynthia and NeNe will be cool again next season. When you think about it, neither one of them had a storyline this season, but now people will be checking to see what happens with them next season. It’s really smart if they are both in on this.
Cynthia will come crawling back.
It’s very possible.
I knew it was more to the story.
Gregg’s old a-s has jumpoffs? Well I’ll be damned.
Hmmm sounds like this could have some truth to it, on WWHL Nene said cynthia aint got my back like that, and andy was looking like wtf u talking about cynthia was ur #1 loyalist! I think cynthia should have checked Nene awhile ago, 1for Nene judging her parenting skills, and 2 for allowing her to call her husband a b!tch, but if this is true cynthia shouldn’t have hired this woman