By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Was Porsha fired? Ever since it was confirmed by multiple reports that Porsha Williams attacked Kenya Moore during filming for the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” reunion, the rumor mill has been buzzing that Porsha’s job was in jeopardy.
In fact, we even heard that Porsha was pretty much already fired and it wouldn’t be confirmed until all three parts of the reunion air in the upcoming weeks.
But “Housewives” head honcho Andy Cohen is shutting down the gossip and he says that Porsha has not been fired…yet.
Regarding the fight, Andy tells The Dish:
“There was an altercation that took place between Kenya [Moore] and Porsha [Williams]. They stood up…I think I stood up pretty quickly. It was such a flash. And it started to escalate and then I was trying to prevent it, and a couple other people jumped in too. To me, it came out of nowhere. The other women felt Kenya provoked her a bit…I was so shocked and surprised. I don’t want that to happen. I think it’s gross. And I think it just…it’s totally inappropriate, it’s wrong, it’s not entertaining. It’s just bad.”
As far as Porsha’s job is concerned, Andy says no decision has been made:
“In terms of casting next season, we haven’t made any of those decisions yet. Typically, right now, we’re starting to figure out what’s happening with Beverly Hills. We wait until the season is over, over, over, we regroup, we look back at the season, and we look ahead…and that’s when we assess.”
We’re still thinking Porsha will get the boot, but we do admit it would actually make for great TV if Bravo actually kept her around for another season because the dynamics between Porsha and Kenya post the brawl would be interesting to watch.
I think they won’t invite her back. I would like for her to come back next season because I do like her, but I think it’s unlikely.
They need to keep Porsha. I would love to see how things end up between her and Kenya now since Porsha dragged her annoying a-s. Literally.
They need to keep the whole cast as it is. If they got record ratings this season, they should all come back. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
I hope he’s telling the truth! I don’t want Porsha to go!
Porsha just gained a fan base after whooping Kenya’s a-s. They should keep her.
And I’m one of them.
Oh Andy please. He lives for cat fights. And it’s so ironic that a lot of the white women on his shows have fought and none of them were fired for it. And I don’t recall him saying it was gross either.
Andy might just be lying because they don’t want to announce she was fired yet.
So Andy didn’t think it was disgusting and inappropriate for Kenya to bring a bull horn to the reunion and point that scepter in Porsha’s face?
Porsha ain’t going nowhere. Team Twirl will be very disappointed when they find that out too.
They may be trying to wait and see how people will react to the fight before they make a decision. If people see the fight and they are Team Porsha, she will most likely come back. If they see it and feel she crossed the line, they will let her go.
Andy’s faux outrage is laughable.
I think they’ll keep her based off the strength of the beef she has with Kenya. Drama sells. Andy knows that.
They would be dumb as hell to fire Porsha. Porsha going upside Kenya’s head is the main reason people are so hype about this reunion. No one was this excited until we heard a fight went down. They need to give Porsha a raise and keep the drama going next season.
I don’t know, it’s probably kinda up in the air whether they will fire her or not. Being that she just turned herself into police yesterday on the warrant. Bravo may feed off of all of this next season for her story line. *shrugs*
Finally, someone had the guts to stand up to fake a-s Kenya. Cudos to Porsha. I am so glad she dragged that a-s. She should definitely stay and not be fired. FIRE KENYA SHE NEEDS TO GO!!! No one on the show like her anyway, except phony Ms. Goody too shoes Cynthia Bailey. Nene and Porsha fans for life!!!!!!!!
I can’t believe Andy and Bravo allowed Kenya to use those props to provoke and verbally insult and abuse Porsha. Verbal abuse and insults are every bit as painful as physical altercation. People can be pushed to the limit. Kenya’s intention was to get Porsha to her limit because she is very jealous of her age, beauty and talent. Do the right thing Bravo and keep Porsha.
What is Porsha’s talent exactly? Lmao, so funny. Question, how could church members not hear the train under the floor…….underground railroad?????
Kenya got what she deserved and I’m soooo glad because shes a first rate loser.she just out smarted herself and now she knows it because look at what has now been revealed to bravo and andy, the fact that she reallynis the most hated woman in america/USA rather and thatvshe in fact was NOT the reason for higher ratings, there is no way they can claim this fallacy anymore with opinion polls on every site revealing that ppl hate her and want her gone. Andy and Bravo are in denial and shock at what has been revealed accidentally. Kenya’s support on every site is in the low teens and Porsha is always at 80% and higher. I’m so happy that her hungry, thirsty for fame and money plan backfired on her and now her future coins are hanging in the balance. She wss so evil, mean, coniving and manipulative and now look. She let her envy and jealousy of Porsha rule her to the point that she lost focus of what her real goal should have been which should have been how to use this flatform to build her brand, build a GOOD reputation so thst she has fans and such and make the most out of this second chance at becoming somthing. But shes self destructive, shoots her ownself in the foot all of the time and single handedly destroys her good fortune and time again, So Good Riddance and Goodbye You Dumb-Smart Ass. Sit back and watch Porsha and her life soar to places youncould only dream off. And please dont ever tell anyonecelse to google you because its embarrasing, video ho cameo’s and sitcom cameo’s period. A couple of very skanky low rent low budget very d-list films here and there but pretty much nothing is there. She just did not arrive yet but she lives it out in her head thatvshe’s as accomplished as Vanessa Williams or something, and now shes just an old bitter bat from hell who just blew the last chance to save a few coins for her waning years.