By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Porsha Williams might have enjoyed dragging Kenya Moore across the floor by her tresses during filming for the RHOA reunion show, but now the reality star is facing some legal troubles.
According to TMZ, Porsha was charged with misdemeanor battery. The site writes:
“Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Porsha Williams is a wanted woman…as in we’ve learned there’s a warrant out for her arrest.
ATL cops are going after Porsha over a fight she had with Kenya Moore on the set of the show. Porsha allegedly attacked Kenya, who filed a police report. The show has the raw footage, and that was enough to charge Porsha with misdemeanor battery — thus the warrant.
Porsha’s lawyer tells TMZ that she is pushing the DA to file felony aggravated assault charges against Kenya.
Interestingly enough, Porsha turned herself in yesterday evening and she took a few moments to take a selfie minutes before and posted it to Instagram. We kind of get the feeling that Porsha is unfazed by Kenya’s latest move too:
And let’s talk about this mugshot and all its fabulous glory:
Porsha was in and out of jail according to the AJC and she was released on a $2000 bond she paid in full cash.
We’re starting to wonder if Kenya realizes that she may have just secured another season and storyline for her own enemy by pressing charges. Thanks to the fight, Porsha is now one of the most talked about people on the show.
It’s kind of funny how things turn out, isn’t it?
By the way, as far as the rumors suggesting Porsha has already been fired by Bravo, Andy Cohen says that is completely false.
UB where the hell have y’all been? A sister was in distress all day yesterday. Welcome back. And that gif of Porsha snatching that ish out of Kenya’s hands is classic. Thank you Porsha.
I kept checking to see if it was back up every 5 minutes yesterday. LOL!
Girl I thought I did something and got banned. lol
LOL you sound like me! I was over here suspicious that my job blocked the site lolol. #pressed
I agree, it does feel like Kenya may have helped Porsha more than she realizes. Now I want Porsha to come back just to see all this play out on the show.
Porsha is coming back. Andy ain’t stupid. Ratings mean more to him than anything else. People will now watch to see Porsha and Kenya interact. It’s really not rocket science on what they need to do.
Man I’m telling y’all Porsha has a whole bunch of new fans now. Kind of like how Kenya only got new fans out of NeNe’s haters, now Porsha is getting new fans out of Kenya’s haters…and there’s a lot of them too. This is crazy.
Oh whatever. Kenya talked all that mess about being from Detroit and she still got her butt whooped. That’s what she filed the charges for. She’s salty she lost and didn’t even have a second to get any hits in. Sore loser.
Yup! She is a sore loser! She was about that life and until she got dragged! LMBO!
Eh, Kenya is just mad she got embarrassed. It was all good though when she was trying to fight Porsha though last season, right? I can’t take that woman seriously. She’s a victim when it’s convenient, but never admits she’s the bully most of the time.
Why are the producers allowing Kenya to bring those stupid azz props to the reunion anyway? If someone has a bullhorn in your face, that is crossing the freaking line. Kenya was wrong too. She needs to twirl her simple self right off the show. She’s ridiculous.
That a-s whooping Kenya got was deserved. If Porsha didn’t do it, somebody else would have eventually. Next.
Keny,brought that a-s beaten on herself. I am not surprised it took this long she is such a drama queen. I can’t stand her desperate a-s get your own man and stop chasing after other womens husbands.
I’m just ready to see the damn fight!!!! I’m tired of talking about it!!!!!!
Should we still be calling it a fight if Kenya got no licks in? I think a beatdown is the more fitting description.
Kenya will never be able to live this down. She got beat up by the person they thought was the dumbest and weakest on the show. Hilarious.
Porsha isn’t that dumb because she just used Kenya’s supposedly intelligent self to stay another season on the show. Well played I say.
Oh well. Porsha has to understand that it was a possibility that Kenya would press charges like the drama queen she is. Porsha will be alright. It’s not like she was ever trying to have a typical 9 to 5 job anyway. She will probably marry rich again before Kenya gets a man.
Charges? Damn did Kenya get whooped on that bad bruh?
Um yeah, did you not see the photo and gifs? Kenya didn’t stand a chance. And I really didn’t even think Porsha had it in her.
Kenya needs to have a whole stadium of seats.
Porsha was feeling froggy and jumped all on Kenya’s tail. lol
Y’all I can’t believe Porsha got in that a-s while wearing a damn grown. What in the world.
Somebody needs to page Im Sayin because she’s been really quiet lately on these Porsha/Kenya posts. You ok Team Twirl? lol
I used to be a huge fan of Kenya before she got on this show. But I’m done now. She’s a disgusting person and I can’t even believe I used to respect her.
I doubt Kenya would be calling the cops if she won the fight. But whatever.
Well Porsha just got a storyline. Thanks Kenya!
Damn Porsha.
Kenya will never say anything about Porsha or anyone else for that matter, cause now Kenya knows everybody knows her a-s can’t fight. I can’t wait until Sunday night.
I look forward to the laughs I will get when I see Porsha dragging Kenya on the floor and trying to rip that bullhorn out of her hands.
That’s the prettiest mugshot I have ever seen. lol
Totally agree! That’s what Paris Hilton wishes her 3 looked like. Lol!
Porsha is fine as hell. Ok, let me go back to lurking.
She’s gorgeous.
Porsha has the most glamorous mugshot I have ever seen.
Porsha makes me want to turn straight for a minute. She’s gorgeous!
Dear Kenya;
Take kickboxing lessons and self defense courses NOW! This should be a running part of your storyline. Also, purchase a Taser.
You’re welcome.
Preferably, Phaedra’s taser line!
Keep the money in the RHOA family!
Porsha is so pretty.
Chile Kenya will never be able to make folks forget about this. Porsha’s laying the smackdown will live on in gifs and pictures. Twirl took a huge L on this one.
Greatest mug shot of all time. Of all time!