By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Nelly recently declared he is a single man but that apparently hasn’t stopped him from causing drama in other people’s relationships.
Just weeks after he got into a shade war with Floyd Mayweather for hanging out with the boxer’s ex Shantel Jackson, it’s now being reported that he is also partly responsible for the fallout between a Carolina Panthers player and his girlfriend.
Page Six writes:
Charlotte Panthers defensive lineman Greg Hardy was arrested Tuesday in Charlotte, N.C., on charges of assault on a female and communicating threats. In the arrest warrant, the the NFL player’s girlfriend Nicole Holder alleges that the 6-foot-4, 290-pound Hardy threw her on a pile of guns and threatened to kill her.
According to a tweet from a Charlotte Observer Panthers beat reporter, the accuser said in court documents Hardy was angry over her previous short-lived relationship with Nelly, the rapper behind early 2000s hits such as “Dilemma” and now a part-owner of the NBA’s Charlotte Bobcats.
When did Nelly become such a THOT?
He was a THOT before people even started calling hoes THOTs.
You’re right lol
Now see…
Besides his looks/body, I’m really not understanding what these women see in Nelly.
Me either. Especially since he doesn’t like to commit to anyone. Any man that can be with a woman for 15 years and not propose is not someone I would even entertain.
I think his body and his face is all they really like to be honest.
Nelly has time to be in all these love triangles but he can’t make a hit record to save his life. Priorities boo smh.
Lol. Too funny.
So is this his new way of staying relevant? Being a notorious side dude?
Damn Nelly. He has the whole mistress thing down pact.
Oh good grief. So what about his career? What else is he doing besides being a jump off to multiple women? No album coming out? I mean seriously.
Yeah he’s lame but he can still get it tho.
Ok? lol
Nelly is so messy. Smh.
I’m not surprised that someone who has such commitment issues has no problem breaking up other relationships. It makes sense.
I respect Nelly’s pimp game and all but he almost got this girl killed. Sheesh.
Well wake me up when he gets another hit…
Sigh…I’m so over Nelly. He’s more concerned with sleeping around than his actual music career.