By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Mariah Carey’s new studio album “Me. I Am Mariah… The Elusive Chanteuse” had a few setbacks as a result of the label pushing it back a couple of times, but many suspected the singer would still have strong first week sales as a result of her dedicated fan base.
But according to the first week projections, the album’s first week numbers will be pretty disappointing.
Idolator writes:
Mariah Carey‘s Me. I Am Mariah… The Elusive Chanteuse is one of the artistic high points of the superstar’s long and glittering career but that hasn’t translated into bumper sales. The album is predicted to sell between 60,000 and 65,000 in its opening week, which should snare a top five debut on the Billboard 200. Unfortunately, that number is unlikely to knock Coldplay‘s Ghost Stories from the summit.
Well she has had a great career, so she shouldn’t sweat it. I just think she should have released the album around the same time #Beautiful was doing well on the charts.
Too many push backs and she should have released it around the same time she released Beautiful.
I didn’t even know her album was already out. What is her label doing?
Well this is what she gets for trying to play Nicki for no reason. Now Nicki has better numbers than her.
Oh wow.
It’s really hard to sell albums nowadays. That is why no one should try to hate on how well Beyonce’s album is doing. What she did was remarkable and many didn’t think it was possible. I like Mariah. But it may be time for her to sit down and try to think of a fresh new way to approach her career. A lot of her fans are older now and she has to go after a newer fan base. With the right music and management, she can do it.
I blame her fans. I see them on the blogs all the time dragging other artists, but why didn’t they put as much passion into buying Mariah’s album? That is so ridiculous. Some stans just stan for someone for the sake of it and really don’t care to support the artist when it counts.
That can be said about most stans though. Ciara’s. Kelly Rowland’s. Not everyone is going to be like the BeyHive/Navy and put their money where their mouth is.
I heard some songs and they were good. I just think too many album delays may have hurt her. It happens. She’ll be ok.
I expected this like nobody is into Mariah’s music anymore. The only reason why Beautiful was a hit was because of Miguel. She is a legend a icon but it is time to move on to something else for awhile. Maybe movies, fashion, hell something. Mimi find you a hobby the music ain’t happening right now. Only person benefiting from this is JD because Mariah is the only fool still working with him.
Her first mistake was getting back with JD. Then the album was pushed back way too many times. She dropped it a year after Beautiful was released (stupid). Not to mention she’s been getting caught up lip syncing way too many times to count. She was bound to fail this time around. Do I think it’s the end? Well I’m not sure. This is Mariah mother-cking Carey we’re talking about. It’s hard for me to count her out.
I like the album. I thought it would do well. #shrugs
Damn. I really thought she would sell at least 100k the first week.
It’s a new era in music. If she doesn’t connect with these young people, she won’t sell albums.
Damn homie.
The next time Mariah releases a new album, she will be almost 50. I think she should do one last album before doing a farewell tour, sorta like Cher. Chanteuse is a good album (not great), but no one cares anymore. Time to pass the torch to someone else.
You know this means K Michelle and Tamar actually outsold her? Now that’s crazy.