Paul George Gets Slapped with a Paternity Suit

Photo Credit: Chrishmt0423
Photo Credit: Chrishmt0423

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Indiana Pacers star Paul George may be in the process of trying to help his team secure a spot in the NBA Finals, but he also has some personal matters to deal with as well.

After months of rumors floating around about him possibly getting a former adult dancer pregnant and trying to pay her to terminate the pregnancy, the same woman (Daniela Rajic) just slapped the athlete with a paternity suit.

The New York Post reports:

A source told us that George, 24, had a relationship with curvaceous Rajic for a few months last summer. She is said to have worked at Tootsie’s Cabaret in Miami before they met. But we’re told the couple is no longer together and Rajic has moved to New York to be with her family, where she is currently a full-time mom.

The source said, “Paul and Daniela saw each other a number of times over the course of a few months in Miami last summer. She became pregnant, and their daughter was born on May 1. She has already undertaken a paternity test, and there’s no question he is the father. The court is still expected to order an official DNA test.”



George’s rep claims that he will gladly provide for the child if the court ordered paternity test proves he is the father.


  1. I’m starting to think these athletes want to have kids with these gold diggers because they don’t do anything to prevent it from happening. Condoms are cheap and birth control is easy to get. Even Jordan got nipped just so he couldn’t get caught up and only reversed it after he got remarried.

    1. Right! Mike was smart as hell. He knew these broads only looked at him and saw dolls signs and the only kids he wanted to take care of were the ones he had from his marriage. Call him many things but you can’t call him stupid.

  2. Why are all the cute ones so stupid. Out of all the women he could get with he chooses to impregnate a stripper. I swear I will never understand some of these athletes.

  3. I was wondering what happened with this the other day. The baby probably is his. I just hope he steps up and does right by the child once it’s proven that she’s his.

  4. I’m sure that stripper is thinking she just hit the jackpot. She will never have to get on the pole and twerk for strangers again.

  5. I swear, these idiots need to have it written in their contracts that they have to undertake yearly media training. One of which should include “How to Dodge Potential Baby Mamas”, or “Use a Condom: It’s your Friend”. They need to know about the traps like pin pricks, and how to flush the condom themselves right after. Or checking for folks outside their rooms waiting for the condom-hand off. These fools really need to smarten up, seriously.

  6. I’ll never understand why so many of these athletes scrape the bottom of the barrel when it comes to women.

  7. Well if the baby is his, he just needs to go ahead and be a father. These athletes will never learn.

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