By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Ray J is currently filming for the first season of “Love and Hip Hop LA,” so what better way to spice up his storyline than to get arrested?
According to TMZ, the reality star was arrested after he resisted arrest, spat in an officer’s face and kicked out the back window of an officer’s car after a woman accused him of touching her booty:
The Beverly Hills PD tells us Ray J was in an altercation Friday night at the Beverly Wilshire hotel bar. He somehow made contact with a woman’s butt and that’s why cops were called. They determined it was NOT a sexual battery — the contact was “incidental.”
Apparently Ray J was asked to leave and all was ok, until he got to the valet area, where cops say he became belligerent and then refused drive off.
Hotel security made a citizen’s arrest and BHPD cops obliged and took Ray into custody.
Ray J was booked for vandalism, trespassing, battery on a policy officer and resisting arrest.
He’s such a failure at life.
LMAO well damn…you’re right though.
I blame Ray J for why we now have to tolerate Kim Kardashian and her annoying a-s family. They should have locked him in jail and made him serve life for forcing that whole family on us.
Kim’s wedding eating up at him that bad huh?
You mean Kim’s THIRD wedding? Nah, I think Ray J knows the drill by now. Kim marries for cash and to extend her 15 minutes. That won’t be her last wedding, and I’m sure you know that.
Kim will have about 8 ex husbands when it’s all said and done. I don’t think Ray J gives a damn about her latest “marriage.” He can probably still smash Kim even now. She’s known for sleeping with exes while she’s in a relationship.
8? I think she’ll try to get up to 10 because bigger is better in her eyes.
I still find it hard to believe he is related to Brandy sometimes. He is such a loser.
So he basically got locked up for touching someone’s booty? Even his arrest record is wack.
He probably just did all of this for attention.
He’s such a lame.