By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
T.I. and Tiny’s marriage issues have been a hot topic on the blogs thanks to the couple’s constant need to put their beef on social media, especially their Instagram accounts.
Just days after T.I. blasted his critics and told them to mind their business, it now appears the rapper is shifting his anger to his wife’s good friend Shekinah Anderson.
Peep the shade he posted to Instagram just hours ago:
When Shekinah caught wind of T.I.’s shade, she clapped back in no time:
And interestingly enough, blogger The Shade Room says even T.I.’s mom hopped on Instagram to tell Tiny to take a break from hanging with friends and have a serious talk with her estranged husband. When Tiny posted the following photo, T.I.’s mom left the following comment:
Rumor has it that T.I. is blaming Tiny’s friends (and not his rumored cheating ways) for the demise of their marriage because she’s been hanging out in the streets a lot more now than she did previously.
Spotted at Fameolous
Typical. Smh.
I see he’s blaming everyone else except himself and he plays the biggest role in why his marriage failed. And the saddest part of all is his mom is doing the same thing by holding Tiny accountable for fixing the marriage as if her son is not a man.
TI and his momma need to have take a stadium of seats. TI is just controlling and he’s pissed Tiny has found a backbone and isn’t willing to play his games anymore. He can dish it but he can’t take it. Oh well.
found a backbone lol where a graveyard hahha
Why are they doing all of this on Instagram?
And that is the million dollar question.
So basically Tip gets his Instagram crying from his momma…
Why am I not surprised TI’s mom is actually holding Tiny accountable for fixing the marriage?
Tiny should shock both of these dummies by filing for DIVORCE! How dare any grown woman over the age of 40 tell Tiny to fix a marriage she didn’t break! Ugh!
TI’s mom should remind TI to stop chasing hoes on his IG account. You know just to be fair.
LOL you know she won’t do that though. That makes too much sense.
How is Tip going to talk shady about the “shekanahs” of the world she he’s a shekanah himself?
I really did like this couple. What TI did was wrong but Tiny should have never used Floyd Mayweather to get back at TIP. If Tiny wanted to make him hurt like she hurts all she had to do was to do good without him, and kept it classy and not on IG or social media. If her friends told her to do this then that was wrong. Two wrongs don’t make it right. Tiny needs to remember she is still married and has a daughter. Being one of Floyd’s side chicks is not a good look. You see he called her a b-tch. Tiny is very talented and she can make it without TIP.
TI is so damn childish. Tiny has every right to hang out with her friends if he’s going to be hanging around groupies.
They should have never given ratchets Instagram.
His momma is all kinds of wrong. Why not encourage her son to do the right thing and CALL HIS WIFE and do what he needs to do to save the marriage? He’s the one that created most of the problems. It’s obvious Tiny is fed up and she has every right to be.
if this aint the truth!!!
TI always says he’s the King so why won’t he behave like a king and get his castle in order?
Has TI’s momma lost her mind?
They just need to divorce and get it over with. I’m not even sure why they are dragging this out.
Yet here he is taking someone other than his wife to a major red carpet event, and posting it to embarrass her once again! How come Mama won’t talk to her son about that mess, and how it’s not a good look for their marriage? I can’t stand how some mothers uphold their sons messiness in the marriages, and blame the women for what they “should/shouldn’t” be doing.
You do know that’s his daughter, right?
No, I didn’t, thanks for pointing that out. But that still doesn’t negate the fact that he has been posting several pics of his side pieces on IG, and his Mother hasn’t said word one to him. Instead she chooses to check his wife publically. That’s all kinds of wrong.
“Tameka you look happy with your friends but nothing, absolutely nothing can replace the feeling of being happy with your man!”
1. TI is a man? How?
2. So mama Tip thinks Tiny should just forget about all the THOTs he’s been screwing and just suck it up just to say she’s got a man. Oh…
Boys and they damn mommas……the Kang need to blame himself and whoever post/brag about him being in their company….& to the momma: please talk to your daughter in law in private & save that tone of advisement for your hoe of a son
It’s sad that TI’s mom enables him.
See, his mama shouldn’t have even gotten involved in that. SMDH.
TI’s mom should be ashamed of herself.
This is what happens when boys get married.
TI acts like he’s in high school…
*reads TI’s mom’s message* Now I can see where TI got his issues from.
I hate social media.
Tiny not taking his calls. but ..When he was in Brazil and Tiny was in orlando with her family…he was calling her all night long and her mom couldn’t get any sleep. I don’t think people realize that Tiny is an abused (mentally physically spiritually emotionally) woman. Tip has been breaking this woman down for years and she is trapped. Everything went downhill in her life after she got involved with his psychopathic ass. Her looks, career, etc everything. Women need to be careful of who they fall for her cause once you are in with these types of men, its hard to get out. Its a lose, lose situation for Tiny at this point no matter what choice she decides to make. No wonder why she on that cocaine. If I had to deal with Tip and all his Bs, plus the constant media criticism I would be on drugs to. but she needs to turn to God.
If what you say is true Tiny can leave TI he is not holding her to anything. It looks like TI has moved on he has a new house a new baby and he is going places and doing things as if he were a single man. If he has Tiny trapped then how come she is also going places hanging out with other men and her friends. When a man moves out and has a relationship with another women and it is public it doesn’t show any signs of him trying to keep his marriage together. Tiny can leave TI and I don’t think he would fight it. When a man wants you there is nothing you can do to keep him away. Tip left that marriage long time ago, when he began having sex with another women and it was unprotected means he did care about Tiny. If you watched their show Tiny wanted another baby but Tip told her NO. So that tells me he wanted this baby he is now having. Tiny could get back into the industry and I think she will be ok. Tiny stood by Tip when he was in jail and if that does not mean anything to him then she should just move on, and stay off social media. This is not good for her daughter and that’s the person who should be her main concern right now.
i agree
everything is not want it seems. I am in thier circle so I know what’s going on. He has done everything u mentioned before back in 2005/20006 when Tiny was getting too independent again and back on the road with Xscape. See Tip likes for Tiny not to work or have a career, he likes for her life to revolve around him and for her to be up under him 24/7. Tiny be going against him again and trying to start her own businesses again with the Tequila line, etc. He won’t support anything she does cause he likes her to be dependent on him. Anytime he don’t get his way he acts on and tries to embarrass and humiliate her in public with other women, etc. He been calling her and begging her to come back and buying her gifts n sh*t. She hasn’t been taking most of his calls so he calls her mother and tries to get her to talk to Tiny. Its a lot more I can say here, but my finger are tired. also that house he got in buckhead he leasing/rent for 12k a month he didn’t buy it. he did that because him and Tiny are not seeing eye to eye on things right now, they been separated since the end of Jan and that been having problems because T.I. is such a control freak, but Tiny has dealt with it because she loves him, plus he never leaves her alone whenever she does try to move on. Tip is crazy, the public has no idea what Tip is really like beyond what he shows the public.
I hear what you are saying but the part I am not getting that he is controlling? Tiny is in Vegas Tiny is at the clubs, before they split up Tiny was busy with her daughters group, hers son’s career her talk show. If he was controlling her he would not have her on TV looking real good for other men to see. I don’t know TIP or Tiny, but I thought they were the best couple on these reality shows. Maybe Tiny does not want him back cause if he is doing all the things you say he is doing she can put a stop to it and take him back. But if she don’t want him and I could understand if she don’t it would be hard to be with a man and he has a new baby by another women, that there is the one thing women do not allow. I hope Tiny understands that people feel for her she is a nice lady and we got her back. Just don’t go out in the public doing things that will not be a good look. The worst thing she could do is try and make Tip feel like she does, it will not work. If she wants to hurt him do great things that will have people looking at her saying “GO GIRL GET IT GET IT” and stay off IG and social media. Until she decides what to do stay single and keep her head up.
also on the jhene remx he said “them b-tches got you thinking you too tough to give me what want” ..meaning her friends n her ear about their relationship which he has always hated. he always dissing her friends in his song. also on the rico love “they don’t know know” remix his verse was about her friends constantly asking her why she puts up with his sh-t,etc. but he said in the song that she will forever be the LOVE OF HIS LIFE. he just mad right now cause he loosing/lost control over her.
Well if they were the ones who told her to go hang out with Floyd then yes that was wrong, no matter what Tip is doing she is still a married women and must respect herself. IF Tiny is not going to accept Tips new baby then she should move on cause if she takes him back and does not forgive him she will be very unhappy and bitter and that will rub off on everyone around her. if she takes him back love that child just like she does her own. That is a BIG step for her to take him back but if she loves him maybe that will win over her feelings. I wish the best for both of them hope what ever they decide they are both happy.
Hey I went to an event for charity today and there were some celebs there and Tiny’s name came up and if you can tell her that people want her and Kandi and I think the other girls name is La Toya to forget about what happen and get in the studio and make some more hit’s. Put all that BS behind go on tour. They are missed.
noooooooo t.i. shes hanging out more because the games get old after a while.duh!!!