By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Who is Porsha Williams dating? The other day RHOA star Porsha Williams had tongues wagging on Instagram after she confirmed she has a new man in her life post Kordell Stewart, but in the one picture she did post with the mystery man, she made sure his face was blurred out.
It’s rumored the new man’s identity won’t be revealed until much closer to the upcoming season of the reality show, but some folks are claiming Porsha’s new man is a NBA player.
LA LATE reports:
Reports have surfaced online claiming that Porsha Stewart aka Porsha Williams’ new boyfriend is Norris Cole of Miami Heat, and that Cole will film with Real Housewives of Atlanta next season.

Of course nothing can be confirmed as of yet, so we’re just labeling this as gossip for now.
Not bad.
Not a fan of his hair but he’s cute. But is his money long enough for gold digging Porsha? I doubt it.
He’s going to be on the show? She should be terrified of bringing another man on the show after what happened with Kordell. I think reality television is just dangerous to all relationships.
She needs to bring him on for a storyline though. If she doesn’t, what will she have to talk about?
Aren’t you a Kenya stan? #Irony
Porsha needed a storyline to stay relevant. Porsha’s new beau storyline sound fake.
I still think she’s lame for blurring his face out when he’s just going to be on the show anyway.
I’m sure he will leave her after a while. She’s not wifey material. She’s still a teenager in her mind.
Shid I’d wife her. #shrugs
Yeah but most athletes date and marry beautiful airheads. Truth be told a lot of men don’t require much but beauty and someone who is good in bed. Women we are the ones who have this ridiculous belief that we need a long resume to get wifed. Just keeping it real.
Laura, why that may be true you can count on one thing, they will not be faithful to them. It’s all about business at that point unless the girl comes from way back before he made it. He gets a pretty girl to flash on his arm while she gets the checkbook to go shopping, or to play interior decorator to their new mansion. Deep down no man can truly respect a money grubbing idiot. i mean gold digger that is putting it too nicely, especially if there are other children involved that don’t belong to her. She is the epitome of the “Evil Step-Mother” She could care less if that child got plowed flat by the ice cream truck. As a matter of fact that would mean more money for her when big daddy kicks the bucket. Now men think with their “weenies” and we all have known that. However these women think with something evil and it’s creepy. The only thing I can say with clarity is I am glad that I am not a wealthy man with these “gold” widows spinning their webs next to me. The philosophy here is clearly when the state can’t pay you enough, get knocked up by a wealthy man. Pretend you love him for a few years and be the shittiest wife imaginable. Just when you feel the hooks are in pull back and sign you and your hubby up for a reality show! Kill two birds with one stone! Since being on a reality show takes absolutely no talent what-so-ever the bad acting will come as no surprise! Since the viewers are 90 percent female you will have most believing your so called victimization. Yall you have this same mind set are trash. This Porsha hoe is one of the worst. Pissed off because cordell was going to no longer cut her a check she decided to falsely accuse him of being gay. “What’s the big deal if he isn’t gay? Then he has nothing to prove!” you say. Well the big deal is that Cordell has a son. A son that goes to school. Believe you me mrs evil step-mommy is well aware of this. So her lies spread from her soon to be ex husband to his son. Can you imagine what school was like for this young man after all of these heffer fans were non-stop gossiping about this garbage? Poor little guy. Any real woman would have never done anything that would somehow involve the child. This woman is a bottom feeder and to me will always remain a bottom feeder. Look at the comparisons of what she spewed all over the internet compared to him. I was so proud of this guy and I am a Lions Fan!! Just like I tweeted to him I will say to you, porsha williams is a pig!
I don’t think his money is long enough for Porsha. But we’ll see if this it true.
Well he looks better than Kordell, not like that’s hard to do though.
Figured she’d just end up with another athlete.
Cutie. Go head Porsha.
This is interesting. I’m not sure this is wise for her to put a new relationship on the show so soon. Reality tv shows no mercy to relationships and marriage she should know.
If he’s going to be on the show, I have a strong feeling this relationship won’t last.
Me too.
He’s aight looking. I think the hair may be throwing me off a little.
If she likes it I love it.
Porsha will end up with another older man with money. That’s her type and men like that just want her to shut up and be cute (trophy wife). I think she’s just having fun with this guy. Porsha will be married again in about a year or so.
I can agree with this.
I think he’s cute.
Get it Porsha!
Good job Porsha! He’s a cutie and im sure his bank account is set up really NICE #Weeeerk
I Agree, Porsha’s must have gotten dropped on her head as a child. Porsha is in her 30′ RANTS.,acting like she 15.Porsha is the bully,listening and reading about her.
I wish Porsha ,just shut her trap.
Porsha does a lot of media bullying against Wendy Williams,Kenya Moore and Tamela Jones.
All of these women have been in the entertainment world for years.
Porsha cannot sing, act and model and tell lie without being caught. Who is she again? This hooker,lied about being dedicated to her families legacy. (GOOGLE IT!)
In my Fakedra’s voice: “Know,you check that out”
Porsha rants about Wendy :Wendy called her stupid.(Over being on RHOA )
Tamela Jones: Over the African Prince
Kenya Moore: Over a beef ,during a fund raiser for her grandfathers foundation. Kenya calling Porsha a beard for Kordell and the comment :”Dumb Hoe” and spilling the beans, Why Porsha’s marriage failed(Rumored affairs: Record producers, managers, producers of the show etc.) FAKE HAIR,BOOBS AND BUTT BLACK BARBIE WANT TO BE!
Porsha’s legs are opened more than the YMCA.
The relationship with the NBA player will be short.(on to the next)
All gold-diggers loves a baller with more money.