By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Another day, another person takes a shot at Rihanna and attempts to label the Pop star a tramp.
Just several days after Wendy Williams told her audience she believes Rihanna is a bit on the slutty side and can’t be considered girlfriend material, it appears another public figure may be making the same claims.
Music producer Mally Mal is taking the credit for getting Chris Brown and Drake to squash the beef and make music together (it was actually Chris’ manager who made the two reconcile though), and when asked by the paparazzi if Rihanna was brought up during the reconciliation talks between the two artists, Mally Mal seemingly said Rihanna was a jump off.
He says:
“Just like the song, these hoes ain’t loyal.
“I think everybody gets the picture now, you act like a jump off you get treated like one.”
Mally Mal’s comments comes just a week after Drake told the media his recent reunion with Rihanna wasn’t serious.
Check out the video below. He gets messy at the :41 mark.
Of course the Navy dragged the producer on Twitter and he now says the media “misinterpreted” him. He tweets:
@rihanna never called her a jump off. If that was MISINTERPRETED My apologies! Media BS smh. I Respect RIRI PERIOD! 4 the Record.
More b-tcha-sness. What is it UB, National B-tcha-sness Day?
LOL I’m starting to think it is!!!!!
It’s National B-tcha-sness YEAR honey!
I’m so tired of people continuously calling out Rihanna and never once holding Drake or Chris (who have worse reputations TBH) to the same standards. It’s just sickening.
Agreed. But it won’t change because so many women support their sexist views. The same ones who loves to call Rihanna a hoe love them some Drake and don’t see a problem with the group of hoes he keeps around.
THIS!!!!! I didn’t realize this until recently but most women are sexist. It’s sad. We’re quick to call each other sluts but we are even quicker to make excuses for men.
I know right.
Here we go again with Rih’s cooch becoming a topic for discussion.
Chris couldn’t even keep his p-nis in his pants while he was at rehab and Drake has a whole entire harem but Rihanna is the hoe? I can’t.
And don’t forget that time he actually brought side chicks home with him with Kae in the car. They need to shut the hell up calling Rihanna a hoe when Chris doesn’t even try to hide his hoe tendencies.
They really need to stop with the constant slut shaming of Rihanna. Drake doesn’t hide his whorish ways and Chris’ hoe ways are well documented. Yet we’ve only seen Rihanna date a few people. And they were longterm relationships. Everything else has been speculation. They need to leave that girl alone.
I miss the days when men were actually gentlemen and didn’t gossip like females.
Me too. 🙁
Me three!
Men have always been gossipers. More people are just now starting to realize it!
Why is he pretending he didn’t say any of this when there’s video proof? Smh.
Well damn! Is it something in the f-cking water? Whatthe hell is up with these men, and dogging females out recently?
This A-hole probably just realized that Rihanna has more pull in the industry than he does and can really f-ck with his money. Now he wants to back-track, with his b-tch-ass. I can’t!!!
It’s been this way forever. Men are expected to and applauded for being tramps. But when a woman exercises her right to date whom she pleases and does what she wants with her body, it’s a problem and she gets called all kinds of names. It’s cool though. Rihanna is a strong woman and she won’t let this get to her. She’s too busy making money while her exes can’t keep her name out their mouths and her image out their lyrics.
But how was Rihanna the jump off when she had Chris dumping his girlfriend for her and Drake was rapping those lovey dovey lyrics to her in his songs? LOL. They sound salty.
Here’s the other side of the story they don’t tell you about lame dudes. When you leave them they want to call you a hoe. They hate when you cut them off and remain unbothered. I know Drake and Chris were just teaming up to bash Rih. They will never get over her. They hate that she can move on and they can’t.
And he said not one word about that harem Drake has and how Chris was just singing about his THOTs despite having a girlfriend who was loyal while he was locked up for four months. The hypocrisy is real.
This producer is about to be blacklisted lmao.
Here’s a little analogy….
Hoes are to loyal, as these punks are to real. If I were a hoe, I wouldn’t be loyal to those fools either because THESE are the types of clowns crying foul!
I call for a purging of the music industry, social media, and reality TV. Ugh! I’m far from a fan of the new Rihanna but this is uncalled for.
People love to blame the media for reporting the dumb ish they said. LOL.
Rih keeping these fools pressed. What’s new?
Lawd…these men are bold with their queen ways now.
And Rihanna remains unbothered.
Wow really? He was all bold until he got dragged on Twitter. Loser.
It’s a shame a woman can’t even live freely and be young and date without being trashed by men.
He’s the hoe. Look at him backtracking like a lil hoe like he ain’t say none of that sh-t.
He should have just stood by his comments because it’s not like he didn’t say it in the video. But whatever. I hope he gets blacklisted.
He needs to be slapped.
He’s b-tch made.
How are you going to throw shade and then kiss a-s?
I think wendy is too old to comment on rhianna no one was there and guys should be more respectful to women period I like trey John legend who is respectful to women people forgot that chris loser brown hit rhianna. I hope she dates a white guy because I will no longer support any rappers other than ti or chub rock slick rick who treats women with respect drake is wrong it t a keys two to be in a relationship it didn’t work so move on rhianna is God’s child and the guys are walking free with no scratches let a gang member hit them then they can see how it feels to be hit and made fun of rhianna should sue everyone and get paid.these are grown people but they have no respect for there fans and I will no longer support youth and foolish we need to do better .
Another day, another hater. Love Rihanna.
The funny part is Rihanna hasn’t said NOT ONE WORD lmaooooo she’s so kind for letting people use her name for fame #QUEEN
“Your only a hoe when you reject them” -Rihanna
Rihanna is such a boss she has all these men so pressed over her. I love it.