By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Rumor has it Kenya Moore’s ongoing strife with Apollo Nida and Phaedra Parks may have just shifted in her favor and it’s been rumored that the RHOA star will be validated in the upcoming season because Apollo finally admits on camera he lied about the text message scandal and he even apologized for it too.
However, there’s one feud Kenya won’t be ending any time soon. And that’s her nasty beef with Porsha Williams.
On the latest reunion show things got so bad Porsha ended up dragging Kenya on the floor by her tresses. Kenya called the police and Porsha was later charged.
And nowadays Porsha takes plenty of shots at Kenya during her stint on Dish Nation via The Rickey Smiley Morning Show.
Recently Rickey dragged Kenya after she pretended to not know who Porsha was during a red carpet appearance and once again Rickey, Porsha and the rest of the Dish Nation crew were laughing after a video of Kenya falling down in the middle of a catwalk appearance went viral.
However, Kenya and Team Twirl are not amused and Kenya wonders if Porsha and Rickey Smiley can be relevant without using her name (read tweets from top to bottom):
Oh Kenya please. You have used Apollo and Phaedra for relevance for two whole seasons. Hush.
And she’s about to do it for a third. They are dragging out the whole Kenya/Apollo/Phaedra thing still and I’m over it. She can’t say anything about Porsha when she is still talking about the same beef for two seasons.
Porsha a is the one dragging Kenya Moore and Wendy Williams name all over the entertainment world.
Porsha thinks nobody suppose to check her. Porsha does not like the truth,she keeps on bashing them.
Porsha must have been riding that short bus.Acting ,so immature on radio and TV.(stank girl)
Porsha has some deep mental issues way,before she got on the show.
Porsha is crazy in the head.((seriously)
Porsha is like a door knob.Every NFL and NBA player,passing the crazy W****** around.(REAL TALK) Porsha got the nerve to call Kenya a S******. Dumbbutt.
Porsha is one stupid BROAD.
Damn Team Twirl yall are still salty as hell Porsha dragged your fave by her edges. Look at yall getting in your feelings and writing essays for Porsha out of all people. LOL.
@ DADE788
What is your problem sweetie? I love Kenya. I think she’s beautiful, intelligent and brings so much to the show. But your comment to YeahISaidIt! is disgusting. Making fun of children with disabilities is wrong and unnecessary. Do you think Kenya would approve of how you’re conducting yourself on here? I doubt it. She’s too classy to talk to people the way you are on here. It’s ok to defend her but at least do it with class. Especially when you stan for someone who is as classy as Kenya.
@ YEAH I said it!
Who’s writing essays?
Did the law change about freedom of speech?
which, that how disagreements start on a blog.
People adding unnecessary responds.You can either agree or disagree.
People have their on perception of things.
Writing essays for Porsha out of all people.
Porsha is no different then the rest of the women.If the person want to write about a dog(EXAMPLE) FREEDOM OF SPEECH
Tut, DADE788, Atlanta 8 etc…how many different names are you going to use on here to cosign yourself? If you have to make up different names to take up for Kenya you’re weak. Here’s a tip, don’t make it so obvious next time. LOL.
“Porsha has some deep mental issues way,before she got on the show.” – And by the looks of your comments you have some mental issues too. Y’all get way too invested in this show. Look at you calling Porsha (a person you don’t even know) out of her name. And look how you’re talking to people who disagree with you on this blog. Get it together.
Don’t forget porsha was a video hoe, and she got around. Kordell was her ticket to a great life….phaedra nick name was d-ck surgeon so you know she got around….nene was a former stripper. Kandy slept her way to the top with producers and executives. ….if you ask me, all of them were thot.
@DADE788,Porsha does constantly talk about Kenya.I agree
@Anonymous,Anybody can ride the short bus.It does not refer to children or disabilities of people.
A bus that people who can’t spell derogatory take.(PORSHA)
If you can’t spell derogatory then you probably ride the short bus, Kenya would not approve of DADE788’s reply.smdh
You’re part of the problem then. And you know good and well the short bus is designated for children who have special needs/disabilities. For you and Dade to make them the butt of your jokes/insults over a reality show is classless and tacky. Kenya would not approve. She’s a better person than that and both of you need to grow up.
@love my girl,
Phaedra d***** surgeon.
Everyone knows about Kandi sleeping with married men/she had the nerve to get smart with Kenya about the text.text. Porsha slept with one of the producers(RHOA). Kenya,Phaedra and Apollo story for 2 years.Kenya is a beautiful lady.somebody had mention only Hoes sleep with married men. SMDH!
@JASMINE Porsha is mental,falling out on the floor,like a two year old.
Ricky the tr***** need to let the girls solve it.
So true. They all feed off each other for relevance.
Short buses are not just for people with disabilities. Companies uses these buses(Does not have to be painted yellow )for functions.
Why call people tacky?
None is better than anyone.
Dam! Are you for real about that childish statement.
Tut, DADE788, Atlanta 8 etc…how many different names are you going to use on here to cosign yourself? If you have to make up different names to take up for Kenya you’re weak. Here’s a tip, don’t make it so obvious next time. LOL.
Let’s be unbiased for a moment, Apollo and Phaedra used Kenya for their relevance. Kenya didn’t even film with those two until she confronted Apollo. She actually tried to squash the beef but Phaedra wasn’t hearing it. Either way, her haters are actually keeping her relevant.
People still believe that story line.Apollo admitted that he lied about Kenya.
Phaedra should and needs to be embarrassed her filthy mouth.
Wow this must be Kenya you are being so high school right now. Kenya was a slut before the show and still is. She was going after Apollo for two seasons and she knows he is married only hoe’s go for married men. Kenya knows that in her home town and in Los Angeles she has been passed around like a joint and those men keep it on the DL about being with her. That’s why she can’t get a man everybody has had her old fake a-s.
Child please. You can’t even be unbiased yourself. If you were you would admit that Kenya uses people for relevance too.
You must be stuck on stupid!
You can’t make anyone agree with you!
Did you really write this:
I think you’re the one who doesn’t like what people write on here because you’re the only one mad and calling people out their names. Look at your comments and everyone else’s. See the difference? Most of the people on here are college educated and don’t need to name call to express ourselves. You say I’m an idiot but you’re the only one on here calling people out their names over a RHOA post. Grow up boo. It’s really not that serious.
Name calling still won’t change the fact that Kenya sleeps with married men and has slept with more men then she has fingers.
alright NOW!
How you guys know she’s was a slut in high school. Some of ya was in elementary school….if people call kenya out of her name, its all phaedra fault. I can’t wait for her to leave the show. Her mouth is to dirty for me.
How is Kenya being called a slut Phaedra’s fault? Kenya was a known slut before she got on the show. Y’all need to stop reaching, for real!
BYE felicia
Apollo and Phaedra was the ones throwing shade Kenya’s way
Phadera was the one for two years calling Kenya mad names.
All three of them threw shade, called each other names, and dragged that text message crap out for two seasons going on three.
This is what annoys me about Kenya. She’s acting like she hasn’t used some of her cast mates for relevance too. Hell all of them use each other for storylines and blog attention. It’s just the nature of the business.
This has to be the realest comment on here. Every single person on this show uses each other for a storyline and relevance. That is the way reality tv works. The cast feeds off each other and they have conflicts, etc. to keep the show entertaining. Kenya has done it, NeNe is doing it now, Kandi does it with her mom and Todd. Cynthia uses Peter to be interesting…Porsha used Kordell and Kenya. I can go on. All of them do it. It’s not that serious.
You right!
Says the same person who has used Apollo and Phaedra for relevance forever. Girl gone.
No lies detected. Porsha just can’t keep Kenya’s name out of her mouth. It’s hilarious and sad at the same time.
Wait, were we all watching the same show? I swear Kenya’s been talking about Porscha, Phaedra and Apollo for two seasons. It’s sad that she has no storyline without them.
You have to admit kenya didn’t talk about porsha after the reunion…ricky smiley show is in Atlanta, and kenya is relevant in Atlanta, he’s using porsha because he knows people love a good gossip.
@love reality tv
I Agree with you!
Let’s be unbiased for a moment, Apollo and Phaedra used Kenya for their relevance. Kenya didn’t even film with those two until she confronted Apollo. She actually tried to squash the beef but Phaedra wasn’t hearing it. Either way, her haters are actually keeping her relevant.
kenya was trying to clear her name.
How many times did Kenya mention Porsha during the show? Not often, Phaedra and Apollo’s only relevance on the show is Kenya. Let’s be real
And how many times did Kenya keep NeNe’s name in her mouth last season? Stop it. Chelly has it right. She’s the only real person on here. Again, everyone uses each other on this show to be relevant. The very second Kenya came on the show what did she do? She got into it with Cynthia. Same thing when she met Porsha. That is facts. None of them are interesting without each other. It’s their beefs and interaction with each other that makes the show. Get over yourself.
The whole cast talked about Kenya what is the point you trying to make.What gives the other cast members to attack Kenya.
Thinking,Kenya’s not going to verbally attack them back.
Poor lil Porsha,got her feelings hurt.
Porsha is one TRAMP!
I’m on twirl team too, but no name calling. Just post your comments and move on. You can’t change people mind about how they feel about this blog.
Kenya doesn’t talk about porsha at all. Its very clear that ricky smiley don’t like kenya. He keep bringing her name up because she’s relevant.
Smiley, don’t like herself!
Yeah Kenya but you have used Phaedra, Apollo and NeNe for relevance too. Stop playing.
Porsha is obsessed with her though. She knows she needs to mention Kenya to get any attention.
And how many people has Kenya used for relevancy, including Porsha? She made a big deal out of Porsha accidentally calling her Miss America at that event all because she was trying to become the star of RHOA. She did the same thing to Cynthia too at her event. She causes drama and stirs the pot for relevance all the time. I guess she forgot that though. Smh.
Yeah true but no one can attention whore better than Kenya. She has that game on lock.
Porsha is a video hoe. She got lucky with Kordell. What has porsha done again?
Answer: walk around with the mattress on her back! BLOOP
Kenya, you wait this long to respond? And only after a stan did the talking for you? Girl, sit you lumpy a-s down and STFU. When you come up with your own ORIGINAL material, let us know.
Jealous much?
Ha,ha y’all stans are hilarious! Jealous of her face that looks like it’s constantly in a state of melting? Her store bought a-s that she needs to return for a refund? Her wonderful reputation as a slut in Detroit, Atlanta and LA, or that fact that she needs to be put on lithium? Ummmm, nothing to be jealous of there, boo!
Very hypocritical.
LOL so what does Kenya think she does to stay relevant?
Pot meet kettle.
I see she still has selective memory. LOL.
Well she’s doing the same thing with Phaedra and Apollo so…
Sit down Kenya.
Kenya make a great point. Why is this video hoe porsha is still talking about her.
The delusion is real.
LOL. I love Kenya’s crazy a-s. She’s a hypocrite though.
I’m not trying to start any arguments but do we have to call any of the housewives hoes? We really don’t know them only rumors. Can’t we like one without tearing down the others? I really love the show but all the bickering and stanning is turning me off.