Kim Kardashian Still Furious with Beyonce over Wedding Snub?

Photo Credit: Beyonce/Tumblr
Photo Credit: Beyonce/Tumblr

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Rumor has it there’s some sort of feud brewing behind the scenes between Beyonce and Kim Kardashian, but Kim didn’t help the gossip any by possibly shading Beyonce and Jay Z on Instagram recently.

Interestingly enough, now new reports are alleging Kim actually is gunning for Beyonce and won’t stop until she gets an apology for the wedding snub.

In Touch Weekly writes:

“Kim is done playing nice,” says one source. “Beyonce humiliated her. Kim thinks Beyonce’s a fake. [Kim] will never forgive Beyonce unless she gets a public apology.”



While we’re a bit skeptical of this report, it does align with what we were told back in 2012 about Kim and her camp planting negative stories about Beyonce to help her image.


    1. Exactly. Beyonce is prepping to perform at the VMAs and she’s writing her speech for that Vanguard Award. She doesn’t have time to worry about Kim and her pathetic family. She actually has a real career and gets respect from her peers. Kim could never.

  1. I’m not sure what Kim thinks she will achieve by going after Beyonce. At the end of they day, Beyonce will still be Beyonce (the real deal) and Kim will still be…Kim (a wannabe).

  2. *blinks* *blank stare* Kim, u ur family & ur wife need a clue. I need for someone to hand her a straight jacket. She’s CLEARLY delusion. She lucky Bey even acknowledged her on her wedding day. Public apology. Tuh!

  3. This is what happens when these black simps pump up these white chicks’ heads. They start thinking they are badder than the Beyonce’s of the world. Lmao.

    1. I think getting close to the Carters is the biggest reasons she finally gave Kanye a chance. Now that she got her Vogue cover and the Carters still won’t give her the time of day I can see her leaving Kanye at some point. I think Reggie is the only man she really loved.

  4. It’s coming soon you will hear she is leaving Kayne cause she thought he was going to make her a superstar. Sorry Kim never going to happen. Beyoncé thinks your trash and she will never give you a second of her life. So find another black man to be with oh I forgot nobody is going to be with you black or white, when you had a baby by crazy Kanye that did it for you nobody wants to have anything to do with his crazy a-s. Maybe you can do porn for a living.

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