By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
We told you the other day that folks are linking Teyana Taylor to the horrible violence that went down between Ray Rice and his wife Janay on an elevator, and the latest gossip is suggesting Teyana had allegedly been texting Ray the night the incident occurred.
Teyana’s ex-boyfriend Brandon Jennings decided to be messy and get involved in the drama and he went after Teyana yet again on Twitter recently.
Check out the now deleted tweets (screenshots obtained by The Shade Room):
Teyana Taylor didn’t respond to Brandon’s now deleted tweets, but she posted the following to Instagram and made it clear she’s not going to give Brandon any attention:
Teyana also responded when a follower asked her if there was any truth to the Ray Rice rumors (screenshot obtained by Baller Alert):
Brandon is such a female. Someone hand him some Midol please.
And some chocolate. That should help him with his menstrual cramps.
And a glass of water for his thirst because he’s is literally just doing whatever he can to get Teyana’s attention right now.
He’s also a coward. He’s always tweeting something shady and deleting it like a b-tch.
Ok so let’s say she’s telling the truth and she wasn’t texting him that night. She’s still wrong for making fun of his wife’s looks on Twitter and trying to come between their relationship a few years ago.
Teyana is never guilty. Never wrong. And someone is always lying on here. Yawn.
Girl she’s full of it. I just hope most can see right through it now.
You noticed that too? LOL.
But we saw the tweets though. Maybe Teyana moved on because she has a man, but she definitely tried to pursue him while he has been with Janay. She’s wrong for that because she was the same one crying when Tae started dating Brandon.
I’m still giving Teyana the side eye. Those tweets were hellish childish and side chickish.
Exactly. Bish keeps trying to front like she’s so innocent and full of morals. Her past says otherwise.
Brandon Jennings affirms why I’m so careful not to ever date lame n-ggas.
He’s the symbol for lame n*ggas.
I do a terrible job of keeping up with details concerning these people, but this is the same dude that’s in a relationship or “engaged” to Lashontae now, right? Well, that’s kind of irrelevant actually, because even if he isn’t, he still shouldn’t be putting effort or time into this foolishness. To tweet it AND delete it? Can dudes be considered birds too????? Sheesh.
Lashontae might want to raise those antennas tho ’cause this type of behavior toward an ex isn’t normal or indicative of having “moved on.”
What is Brandon’s problem? I don’t understand why he is still holding on to his anger with Teyana. I thought he was supposed to be engaged.
Exactly he clearly isn’t over her.
She’s rocking that new nose tho.
Those tweets were a bad look for Teyana. Because of that I don’t put messing around with a married man past her.
Brandon has me wondering where the hell all the straight men have run to. Cuz these fools nowaday, clapping back on IG and twitter like thirsty females are perpetrating a serious fraud.
I wish Brandon would move on and get a life.
Brandon is such a turd. LOL.
Brandon is so bitter and lame.
She’s still messy for those tweets.
Brandon is such a lame for this. He reminds me of my bitter ex who was so vindictive after we broke up even though he’s the reason we broke up in the first place. Just childish.
I respect Teyana’s denial but I have to question why she is always, and I mean always linked to a messy situation and someone else’s man. Now it can’t always be people are getting it wrong and lying on her, right?