By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Actress Meagan Good has constantly been getting slammed for her sexy image since she’s now married to prominent Christian motivational speaker and Seventh Day Adventist pastor DeVon Franklin (he’s also a Columbia Pictures executive), and she’s already made it clear in the past that she feels like other Christians judge her too harshly.
So it definitely doesn’t help things that the actress was one of several celebrities who was targeted by the infamous iCloud hackers.
Hours after Meagan’s risqué photos leaked on Twitter, she began to get slammed on her Instagram account. However, she did clap back at a few of her critics (screenshot obtained by The Shade Room):
Why is she always explaining herself to people? I sure wouldn’t.
Because she cares what these salty hoes think. Couldn’t be me.
dead at salty hoes
I don’t see anything wrong or Non Christian about sending nudes to your spouse. I just think they shouldn’t trust storing those pictures on the cloud.
She’s wasting keystrokes. No matter what she types, they will stay mad and pressed.
Meagan is a got damn married woman. She has every right to send c–ch shots to her man. But now maybe she should consider keeping those pictures out of her phone and email since everything can be hacked now.
So married Christians can’t have sex? LOL.
I guess those “Christians” forgot about the no judging part. :-/
Some people aren’t worthy of an explanation.
Megan needs to keep doing her, and realize she will never fit some folk’s idea of the church’s First Lady. Constantly clapping back will earn her nothing but sore thumbs.
I wouldn’t have responded. They will nitpick regardless.
A lot iof these women are hiding their jealousy behind their religion. Meagan is a working actress, gorgeous, and married to a handsome and successful man. And that’s why they are really mad.
Of all the people exposed, I have to admit that I only felt bad for Meagan, because I knew what type of responses she’d get. She’s the only (or main) one whose spirituality/morals/character etc. is being questioned and pretty much criticized. Yeah, it comes with the territory and she should be used to it or have thick skin to where it doesn’t get to her. But, all that aside, I can’t help but sympathize with her. All things considered, I think she handled it well. Even with the time she took to respond, she kept it classy and respectful and didn’t come off as being defensive. So kudos to her. Couldn’t be me.
There is nothing Meagan can say or do to make these hateful women approve of her. So she should just live her life. They are so jealous and transparent.
Haters gon hate.
Megan is good….I like how she takes the time out to set people str8….even though it doesn’t make a difference. I am confused as to why they are going after her so hard…,all I saw were titty pix….like who hasn’t saw a titty?!I see them on the regular (my own) lol and mothers just pulling them out to breast feed. So wat she can’t send her HUSBAND pix Just cause she is a Christian? Mofos are soon damn dumb and judgmental for no apparent reason. As far as I am concerned u can do w/e us ant sexually wit ur husband…sex is apart of life….and it’s not just done to have kids either.