New Photo Gives Life to Kylie Jenner and Tyga Rumors

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

It’s been rumored for weeks now that 24-year-old rapper Tyga may allegedly have a budding romance with Kim Kardashian’s 17-year-old sister Kylie Jenner, but Tyga hopped on his Twitter account and denied he’s romantically involved with the reality star.

Despite his denial, the tabloids have been making claims that Tyga’s relationship with Kylie is what fueled the end of his engagement to Blac Chyna, although she was supposed to be a close friend of Kim’s at some point.

If Tyga is hoping the rumors about him and Kylie will die down, it probably wasn’t a smart idea for them to go have dinner together alone at the Casa Vega Restaurant in Sherman Oaks last night:


    1. Of course they are. But I think the damage has already been done. Jaden hasn’t been the same since he started hanging around the Kardashians.

    2. When they realized he wasn’t getting Kylie enough attention, they discarded him like a piece of trash. They threw him a bone and allowed him to show up to Kimye’s wedding, but they talked about him like a dog on all their affiliate websites.

  1. Kris has no shame. She’s starting these girls off early with their moral-less choices. And Tyga ought to be ashamed of himself. He’s too old to think this is acceptable on his part.

  2. How many more people need to be burned by the Kardashians before it’s understood that they aren’t good people?

  3. So what does a 24 year old man have to even talk about with a 17 year old? Dude has a baby and was engaged, but gave that all up for a 17 year old high school drop out.

  4. When Kris and this lot fall, it’ll be hard as hell. The fame and money are good right now, but that family has some serious karma coming, and it will be epic. I don’t want to put my mouth on the children or grandchildren in that family, but sins of the mother(s)….

  5. But my question is why isn’t this on every news or gossip website. I see nothing about this on TMZ or any other big gossip site. This is a grown man with technically a child in the eyes of the law. This is so disturbing on so many levels smh.

  6. This is such a sick and twisted situation. But Kris sees nothing but dollar signs so I’m sure she’s not worried. She’ll worry when the media stops giving her and her family attention.

  7. A real man wouldn’t be dating a 17 year old CHILD. Tyga has really lost his mind. Where are his friends? Family members?

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