By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Memphitz recently hinted that his marriage to Toya Wright could possibly be on the rocks, and some suspect the couple may have started having problems as a result of Memphitz constantly bashing his ex K Michelle on social media.
While Memphitz deleted the telling Instagram posts, Toya might have confirmed that things aren’t so good between them too.
She posted the following just hours ago:
Rumor has it Toya and Memphitz are currently separated, but neither has filed for divorce as of yet.
It’s hard for me to feel any sympathy after the way they did K Michelle.
Cry me a river.
…and then build a bridge and get over that isht! TUH!!! ZERO SYMPATHY.
I think most of us saw this coming. I wonder who will be the one to file those papers tho.
She is trying to get sympathy but she’s been acting like an a-shole to K. Michelle since day one. So f-ck her.
The thing bout them tables is they do turn.
Girl bye.
I don’t have any sympathy for Toya she showed her ass taking up for Memphitz. I understand taking up for your husband but she flat out called K a lie and he proved to be exactly who K claimed he was. Rasheeda should feel like a damn fool too.
oh well
And I just love that K Michelle hasn’t even said a word. It shows that Memphitz and Toya were really the ones who were pressed and she wasn’t.
And I don’t give not a single f-ck. People told her Memphitz would show her his true colors and he sure enough did. When a woman tells you your man is crazy and abusive, you need to listen. Now look at K. She’s doing real good in life and they are miserable. Karma baby.
funny now tamar and rasheeda wont even be able to publicly defend toya if anything happens because they have too much pride from when they defended hitz against K. lol