By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
A couple of years ago actress Halle Berry and her ex Gabriel Aubry made headlines because Halle’s now hubby Olivier Martinez attacked Aubry during Thanksgiving, but it appears he may have scored another victim.
Belfast Telegraph writes:
The French actor is married to Halle Berry and has 15-month-old son Maceo with the actress, while she is also mother to six-year-old daughter Nahla.
Both children were with the couple at the Tom Bradley International Terminal at LAX yesterday. According to TMZ Olivier was uncomfortable with the amount of photographers at the Los Angeles airport and felt they were crowding the family.
The site claims there was a fracas, which allegedly saw someone who works at the establishment pushed over. It’s reported the person fell after Olivier, 48, pushed an empty car seat at him.
The unnamed worker is said to have been taken to hospital after suffering pains in his abdomen and it’s alleged he has filed a complaint of battery.
Olivier, his 48-year-old wife and their kids were flying out from Los Angeles at the time of the incident.
It’s also being reported Olivier’s alleged victim was attempting to take photos at the time.
Check out the video below:
Olivier is a violent a-shole. I wouldn’t be surprised if he laid hands on Halle.
This. And he gets violent for no reason. It doesn’t even take much with him. I can only imagine what it’s like being married to him.
He’s a ticking time bomb. I worry for Halle and the kids.
Does Halle think his behavior is justified? I can’t understand why she doesn’t seem to mind him fighting people all the time.
She married a douche bag.
Halle may end up becoming his next victim. Smh.
He got to close. He should have been doing his job rather than trying to get a close up picture on his camera phone. Get you a lens that can take pictures from a distance and allow this family to walk through an airport to their car without people all in their face with the cameras and scaring the children. I would have pushed his a-s too. He is protecting his family. If that was my husband somebody would have caught some knuckles and NO my husband don’t hit me but he definitely protects his family. The pap. need to be put in their place!
Someone is about to get sued. And damn how many people is Olivier going to put his ashy hands on?