India Arie Slams Lady Gaga’s Bodyguard

Photo Credit: Instagram
Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Looks like more drama went down at the Grammys this year besides Kanye pulling his usual stunts. According to reports, R&B singer India Arie has a bone to pick with Lady Gaga’s bodyguard because she says Gaga’s security got physical with her and she doesn’t appreciate it.

Apparently things went down when India tried to speak to Gaga and was then physically restrained by Gaga’s security.

India writes on Twitter (read tweets from bottom to top):

india arie twitter 3

india arie twitter 2

india arie twitter


  1. I’m on the fence with this. He was doing his job yes, but he could’ve handled it much, much better. Touching her aggressively like that was ridiculous. If she was on the red carpet like I heard, then she was supposed to be there…she was invited, and not just some random. Love me some India, so I feel bad it happened to her. Even Kenya wouldn’t have deserved something like this even with her annoying a-s…..

    1. I agree with you I’m kinda torn the man was doing but he was a bit aggressive and I like India Arie so he shouldn’t have did her like that.

  2. India acts like a little fan girl sometimes though. Not everyone remembers who she is. Anyway, I’m more annoyed she actually said Ariana Grande will be an icon. LOL.

  3. She should be thankful to get the publicity! That man was only doing his job!
    Get over it honey and get to making some hits!

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