By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Cynthia Bailey and NeNe Leakes’ friendship soured for good at last season’s reunion, but Cynthia thinks her former bestie is the one souring the current season.
According to Cynthia, all the ladies actually get along well when NeNe isn’t around.
Cynthia tells Wetpaint Entertainment:
“It’s interesting: When NeNe’s not in the equation, we all seem to have a good time together. The Philippines trip, we had a great time together. Everyone got along and there wasn’t any real drama or issues.”
But then you wouldn’t have a story line, and you and Peter will be out the door. You better hope she never leaves!
Cynthnia you had to ask your sister how to have meaningful sex with your husband, you need all the help you can get. It is a god thing you,re tall as a garaffe and don,t speak, just walk down the runway because when you talk it’s always about NeNe that’s why Peter stays at the Strip Cliub. You better pray she stays.
lol So true.
She’s so boring.
She really is though. And I don’t even like Nene but Nene has kept Cynthia on the show from day one. Now Peter is helping carry the weight now but Cynthia is still the most boring person on RHOA.
Cynthia, Kenya and Claudia want Nene to quit, but who would they talk about if she does? She is their storyline and has been all season.
Please, Nene is Cynthia’s storyline, not Kenya. Kenya is the star of the show period. She comes in and brings up the ratings. When she left, Celebrity Apprentice ratings went down the toilet. She is without a doubt the one everyone comes to watch. Nene is number two. Both of them are good TV.
If they get rid of Nene, they will just fight with each other. So I don’t get why they keep trying to make her out to be the problem.
Is this big head chick for real? I dislike her more and more. Peter probably told her to say that! He wants his peach!! lol
I can’t wait to see what Cynthia says when Claudia turns on Kenya. It’s coming.
Thank you. I’ve been seeing it for awhile now. Claudia rolls her eyes at Kenya and Kenya is too busy twirling to see her “friend” is plotting to take her down next season. Claudia can’t be trusted.
I honestly think Kenya doesn’t think Claudia will do it because she brought her on but Omarosa has a story to tell.
You know I’m starting to think Claudia can’t be trusted too. But Kenya is smarter than her. If she comes for Kenya she will lose.
Sometimes I want Nene to quit just so everyone can see none of these women can carry the show like she has all these seasons. For Kenya to call herself the new queen, all she talks about is Nene. And the same can be said about Claudia and Cynthia.
Kenya and Nene are both pressed over each other. Keep it 100.
Ratings have been slipping since they brought on Claudia and demoted Porsha, but Cynthia thinks NeNe is the problem? LOL.
Cynthia’s money ain’t all that, and Peachtree Peter opened up all those Bar One’s on her dime. If she doesn’t think he’d leave her a-s in a minute if she gone from RHOA, she’s got another thing coming.
I’m annoyed they have made the show all about Nene. Like damn find something else to talk about. Every interview they do is about Nene. She can’t quit until these chicks get someone new to talk about and obsess over.
So this is what that last minute trip to the Philippines was all about. Nene wasnt able to attend so they made it seem as though they were all getting along and working on healing. Thats a load of crap because we all know they still dont get along. Cynthia is sneaky and shady and Bravo should have shown her the door. Shes nothing but a hanger on.
Cynthia needs to go some where she can’t even controll her own life Peter runs her and if not Peter Leon, a least NeNe was helping her and being a friend, cynthia had no problem what NeNe implied of Peter ACTING like a Bitch, Peter had the issue, so he forbid Cynthia to be friends with NeNe. Kenya is mad that NeNe don’t want to be her friend, and Claudia is a hot ugly toe mess. I wouldn’t even watch it if NeNe wasn’t on RHWOA. Cynthia you better get on the right team don’t be like He by Sherea