Angie Stone’s Daughter Speaks Amid Assault Arrest

Photo Credit: TV One
Photo Credit: TV One

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

The other day it was confirmed by DeKalb County Police that R&B singer Angie Stone assaulted her 30-year-old daughter during an argument.

Angie’s daughter Diamond moved in with her mother recently due to financial hardships, but both claim they have been bumping heads ever since.

The argument was allegedly over Diamond not cleaning up after her kids, and the assault resulted in Diamond losing her front teeth.

But Diamond is angry so many people are siding with Angie, and she claims she never laid hands on her mother:

diamond stone instagram

diamond stone instagram 2

Diamond also says things didn’t pop off because of her not cleaning up after her kids:

diamond stone instagram 3


  1. We don’t know what happened to make Angie knock her teeth out, but the fact remains Angie opened up her home for her to stay while she’s having money problems. I don’t care what the argument was about. You show respect to your mother when she put a roof over your head and is keeping your kids off the streets.

    1. I don’t condone the abuse either but Angie’s daughter is a piece of work. She is mad at Angie because Angie was out making a living singing and touring and not at home with her…at least that’s what she said on the reality show. She was disrespectful to her mom on the show so she is not going to get me to believe that she did not buck up to her mom. As a mother myself, I have had to put my hands or a broom, stick or two on my boys. I’m from the old school where if I got out of line with my mother, she snatched me by my ponytail, looked me dead in my eyes and said, “Girl, I brought you in this world and I will take you out. I don’t give a damn if I have to sit my ass in jail for the rest of my life but it will be worth it before I allow someone I brought in this world to speak to me or buck up to me.” Now with that being said, that was the 1st time and the last time I ever disrespected my mother. This day, I do not curse in front of my mother and regardless if I agree or not with her, I disagree respectfully and if we still can’t conclude…touche’ I will let it be.

      I think she did put her hands on her but it just did not leave any physical visual damage so since she was the one bleeding and crying, Angie had to go to the pokie.

  2. If nothing else, I agree with her about the abuse. You can’t respond to this by questioning why she’s living at home. No matter where she is or how old she is, she didn’t deserve to get her teeth knocked out. Even in using the parent/child disciplinarian explanation, a result that extreme would be considered abuse.

  3. I won’t condone the violence but I won’t give this young lady a pass either. I saw another screenshot from her on another site where she was bragging about how Angie needed to pick something up to win the fight. She seems to have the same anger issues her mother has. Both of them were wrong.

    1. I hear you. My step daughter came running to me because her mother shoved her head into the wall because she was being disrespectful. I was like you need to shut up and do what your mother tell you. It was mainly because she will not clean up and always begging for something. Parents get tired of saying the same sh*t over and over.

      Those were her kids and I hear the husband or baby daddy living there too. So Angie is probably like get your kids in order and clean up behind them.

  4. This is so unfortunate I don’t know who to believe but it’s sad that it ended in violence. I just watched Angie Stone Unsung episode like a week ago and Angie did not raise Diamond so I think it’s some unresolved issues with them I hope they work it out.

  5. F-ck that. Angie told her to get her sh-t together because she’s too old to be living with moms, and Diamond said something smart because she forgot who she was talking to. There are moms out here who won’t go off when their child disrespects them, but there are some women out here who will whoop your a-s. Her mom happens to be one of the latter. She needs to pack her sh-t up and find somewhere else to stay. You can tell she has a mouth on her and Angie wasn’t having it that day.

  6. Honestly Angie and Diamond don’t really know each other like that. Angie wasn’t in her life that much and didn’t raise her. She just thought she could make things right by opening up her home to Diamond, but it was a bad idea. Both of them are very stubborn and bullheaded. So the best thing to do is for Diamond to move out.

  7. They can’t live together anymore. They have a lot of past issues they haven’t dealt with and probably never will. Sadly, it’s just yet another strained mother and daughter relationship.

  8. Ok so she really does have a mouth on her. She’s still talking big and bad like she didn’t have to pick her teeth up off the floor yesterday.

  9. Hmm I don’t know who is telling the truth. But they are going to have to get it together. I mean whose momma didn’t threaten to knock your teeth out when you were being disrespectful. I’m just shocked Angie actually did it!!

  10. Angie should have kept her hands to herself and just asked Diamond to leave. Now she’s out here with a new mugshot looking crazy.

  11. She’s only making the situation worse. Both of them messed up. She has to respect Angie in HER HOUSE. And Angie needs to keep her hands to herself. If neither can do that, Diamond has to move out.

  12. If I got my teeth knocked out my mouth yesterday, no matter the backstory, no way am I going to be on Twitter the next day arguing with perfect strangers, in paragraphs, no less. SMH. You want people to mind their own and not speak on it, but you are supplying the ammunition for the attacks. Prayer, humility, counseling, and your own address is needed!

  13. There is only 1 of 2 reasons a mother would knock a child’s teeth out of their mouth and that would be she was either getting smart and talking real reckless or she was sleeping with her mammas man. Now Diamond said it wasn’t about chores so…

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