By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
“The Real” had yet another emotional moment today from the panel, and as the ladies discussed bullying, Tamar Braxton couldn’t help but break down into tears as she discussed how much it hurts to be called a Muppet now by so many people on social media.
Of course K Michelle was the first one to pen her the insult during their first Twitter beef.
During the segment, an emotional Tamar says:
“A particular person started saying I look like a Muppet. People say it so much sometimes I start to believe it. I even ask Vince, ‘Do I look like a Muppet?’ He’s like, ‘Absolutely not.’
“This person has the whole world calling me that and it’s just so devastating because it takes me back to high school and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
Check out the video below:
She’s always the victim. Sh-t is getting old.
Knowing things she has said about people makes me feel nothing about this video. A piece of advice she can give her son is to treat others how he wants to be treated. It may not cure it all but it’ll definitely reduce bad karma… maybe she might want to start applying that.
Didn’t she just shade K again on twitter like 2 weeks ago?
For no reason too.
And Queen Kenya. Tamar is nothing but a crybaby hater who cries when her victims clap back at her dusty self.
Stunts and f-cking shows. Tamar has been just as nasty and petty as K has. One of the worst things you can tell a DV victim is they are lying. She started all of this by speaking on something she knows nothing about.
Well maybe if she didn’t start the sh-t, K Michelle wouldn’t have shut it down and finished it. You can’t come for people and then cry because your skin isn’t thick enough when they come back at you. Maybe now she’ll keep her damn comments to herself.
^^^^^All of this^^^^^^. And I don’t feel sorry cause if you can dish it you better be ready to take it. Suck them tears up.
True but you know she won’t ever admit she came for K first which I find hilarious. Ole trifling broad.
Sigh…Tamar will never own up to things she does.
Both of them have been childish. Hopefully now Tamar will take K up on her offer to drop it and move on. K keeps offering peace and Tamar keeps being petty. I guess this explains why Tamar won’t let it go though.
It’s hard to be sympathetic because well…it’s Tamar. We know she has just as much mouth as K. Michelle.
So much bad acting going on here. The Real is getting too corny for me.
So I tried not to laugh and I failed. I know she’s serious but when I think of all the stuff she’s said to K, this can’t be real. She has to be acting or something. Tamar can give it just as well as she gets it.
Did you see Lonnie trying to keep a straight face? You’re not the only one not feeling the acting.
Aww I feel bad after seeing this. Yes Tamar is annoying at times and started all of this, but if you have low self esteem being called names on the internet all the time can be tough.
This is why Tamar needs to either stop trying people or allow her management to run her social media accounts. She doesn’t have thick enough skin to keep trying people the way she does.
She’s old enough to know when you beef with someone, people will hit below the belt. The moment she sided with Memphitz (and now he really does act crazy btw) and called K a liar, it was on. K isn’t someone you’re going to push in a corner. She tried the right one, and she paid for it. That’s life. You may think you’re big and bad but there’s always someone badder.
Well she does look like a muppet,all she has to do is take a picture of Miss Piggy and put it next to a picture of herself and she will see that she DOES look just like a muppet. I don’t feel sorry for her stop messing with people and no one will come for you. Of course Vince is going to tell her she don’t look like a muppet.
Tamar is the same woman who gets on Twitter and takes shots at her own siblings. So blah.
Oh please Tamar is a bully herself. F-ck out of here.
It’s really hard to feel sympathetic for her. But if the muppet thing hurts her this much, maybe this should encourage her to stop being so messy. She still shades K every chance she gets, and I’m no Kenya stan but she came for her recently too when Kenya did nothing to her. At some point she has to realize she’s the common denominator.
I’m glad you brought that up because you know I did. But if I recall y’all sided with Tamar then. I know y’all got y’all lil favorites on here (Beyonce, K, Rihanna) but y’all gotta stop with the selective memory.
Do you ever take a break?
I’ll take “No” for 500, Alex.
Please, Kenya’s a-s deserved to be shaded. FOH with that weak a-s “edges” comment – just because Tamar said she preferred Nene.
Tamar has such low self esteem. You can’t let anyone have this much power over you. Especially when God has blessed you so much. Girl has a talk show, a decent singing career, and multiple reality shows and she’s crying about what K and her stans say on Twitter. She needs to cut it out.
Oh and she has a supporting husband and a beautiful son. For someone who says she’s winning all the time, she sure doesn’t seem to believe it when the audience isn’t around.
But Tamar still looks like a muppet
In the words of NeNe Leakes, Bye girl!
I knew y’all weren’t here for the bullsh-t. Tamar is a mess.
How does Tamar think K. felt when she tried to say she was lying about Memphitz?
This is why it’s so hard for me to stomach The Real. All of them are so phony. This whole video was just overdramatic.
Girl bye gtfoh you and nene leakes both boogerwolves throwing shade and sensitive when it boomerang back karma a mug.