By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
“Real Housewives of Atlanta” star NeNe Leakes is rumored to be at odds with some of the producers for bringing in Claudia Jordan to attack her all season, and now it’s also being rumored Executive Producer Carlos King was let go as a result of the alleged behind the scenes drama.
NeNe has stated once already that she thinks the single housewives need to get the boot because they have negatively changed the quality of the show, but she repeats this thought again during her recent appearance on “Live with Kelly and Michael.”
She says:
“They need to get rid of some folks.
“Everybody that ain’t married. Well the show is called ‘The Housewives’ isn’t it? So you need to be married to be on the show.”
She clarifies:
“I don’t mind if there’s like one girl or maybe two girls that aren’t married because it’s always great to see a single girl like dating and all that kind of stuff. But to have as many girls that we have on our show that aren’t married…we need to get rid of a couple of them.”
Does NeNe have a point? Tell us your thoughts below.
But. But. But. She wasn’t married the whole time either….. She tried it…. Short memory nene? (No I’m not a stan for them twirl chicks either)
I laugh every single time someone says this. Is NeNe not married NOW? And she said a couple of single girls are cool as long as you get to see them dating. So what’s the problem with that? Kenya and Claudia have no lives, no men, so they are forced to keep drama up with everyone else. It’s boring. I think having women back on the show with real lives that include relationships, careers and friends would make the show better again. That’s what RHOA used to be about anyway.
Kenya has no life? Really? So a new haircare line, new show. and new boo equals having no life? How Sway?
What new show? That was taped a year ago and still hasn’t seen the light of day. A new trailer every week does not equal a new show coming out. Kenya needs to pay Janet Hubert for that to happen, and we all know how long it takes her to settle her debts.
And where is this “new Boo?” Cuz as long as we’ve known Kenya she has lorded her accomplishments over everybody else. Why only one pic on IG and no candids out and about? I smell another Walter situation brewing.
Girl you’re about to be so salty real soon. I can’t wait. *giggles*
Nene was married when she started the show and she’s married now. And honestly, divorcees would be perfect for RHOA and much more interesting than Kenya and Claudia. The truth is they need more people who have lives and things worth filming. We never get to see Kenya actually dating, nor Claudia. Instead all we get is them calling Nene and the rest of them beats and monkeys. And talking about who has a bad weave. Like come on now. They need to go.
Kenya has a great life. She’s a business woman and is back to producing. She hasn’t dated on the show since Walter because people are messy.
We’re not messy, we just don’t hide up Kenya’s lies for her…y’all do that!
What did she lie about? Walter and Kenya did date. He’s the one who constantly lies.
I agree with her. A couple of single women who are actually dating and not paying people to date them is needed on this show. I think Kenya was supposed to play that role but she couldn’t manage to find a man to really be interested in her.
So much shade!!!!!!!!
I can agree with this. But when you have a show that thrives off drama and the cast members clashing, the sensible path is less traveled.
I can’t keep up with people. When Nene and Gregg divorced, Nene’s haters said it was fake and they did it for a storyline. So why count it now to help your argument?
Lol I agree!! But she’s married and even her divorce was interesting to see on the show. I think her whole point was find people who have something interesting to show the viewers that is real and not just for TV. And I agree with her on that.
The show was better back in the day when they stuck to the formula. People can act like Nene is wrong if they want, but she’s right about this. They need to go back to the basics because this manufactured bullsh-t ain’t cutting it anymore.
The damn show is called Housewives. How is Nene wrong for saying this?
I liked the original setup. Every woman was married or at least engaged except Kim. And she was sleeping with a rich married man. They need to go back to that because it’s a more interesting formula. Now that they have single women with nothing going on like Claudia and Kenya, the show has a high school feel to it that many don’t enjoy. They are forced to create childish drama because they have no lives. I do think that they will go back to the original formula after this season. Especially since Carlos is gone.
Sheree was divorced. So by Nene’s standards, she shouldn’t have been there either.
Most people put divorcees in a separate category from single people. And Sheree should really be invited back.
*giggles* Whatever you say.
I think too many single women are taking her words personally. There’s nothing wrong with being single, but if you are you probably shouldn’t be on The Real HOUSEWIVES of Atlanta. There are plenty of other shows single women would be better suited for. The peach holders need to have husbands or at least boyfriends. The relationships and friendships used to make the show. Now it’s like we’re watching Love and Hip Hop Atlanta…the older people edition.
I pretty much agree with Nene and we all know she is talking about Kenya and Claudia. Porsha is single but when she came on the show she came on as a wife that’s the difference and you see her journey from being married to single. The exception is Cynthia married or not she needs to be gone she is a bore and she is latching on to other people just like Kenya and Claudia for storylines.
The one person who needs to be fired is Claudia. She really brought nothing to the show and she’s childish. I can’t believe a grown woman sits on twitter all day and calls black people all kinds of apes and monkeys.
In other words, stop hiring women who have no real lives!! You can be single and interesting. Kenya and Claudia just aren’t interesting!!
People really just talking. Go back to the basic? Their has always been 2 single females on the show. Beginning season sheree or kim was not married. Then phadrea or Kandi was not married. What has changed? And people love the fact that kim was sleeping and having an affair with a married man. Hypocrites!
I said what I said. GO BACK TO THE BASICS. Did Nene not say 2 single females who are actually dating is what the show needs to back to? Claudia and Kenya do not fit that description. Kenya and Claudia are not showing their real personal lives. So why are they there? To struggle read Nene about her wigs? They serve no purpose. And I’ll correct you on a few things. The first season Kim was the only single person. But she was interesting because she was sleeping with a married man. She was the show’s source of controversy but she shared her personal life and it worked. Sheree is a divorcee. Divorcees are interesting to watch because you get to see them trying to start over in their lives and the drama they have with their exes. Kandi came on the show engaged, or did you forget that too? Compare all of that to what we have now…two single women with nothing going on who aren’t willing to show their real personal lives. That is why the show is boring now. It’s too much manufactured drama because they refuse to be real.
Well said. All Diamond did was remind me why Kim and Sheree are more interesting to watch than Kenya and Claudia. Kim was a home wrecker, sleeping with a rich man. And Sheree was a divorcee who was still beefing with her ex. Meanwhile Kenya paid a man to be her boyfriend and has held on to the same damn Apollo text message storyline for three seasons. Boring! And don’t even let me get started on Claudia. Her real life is interesting (she puts Kim to shame on the home wrecker front), but she won’t show any of that and we’re reduced to her lame Porsha and Nene reads instead. Yawn.
This! I miss Sheree!
And tell me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t KIm married to her youngest daughter’s father? Either way you’re right and Nene told no lies.
Actually, divorcees aren’t really considered the same as single. Ever notice on the government applications they ask are you single, married or divorced? Just saying. Either way, Sheree is damn sure more fun to watch than Kenya and Claudia.
Sheree is miles ahead of Kenya and Claudia. And she could handle Nene with no help. They could never.
What has changed is the single people on the show don’t have lives. We don’t even see them go out on dates. That’s what changed.
I agree with everything she said.
I think she made some valid points, and they are getting lost in the conversation on here. She said two single women is fine. But they need to have something going on, and be dating. I think that’s fair to ask. Kenya may be well liked by her fans, but if you think about it, she doesn’t show much of her real life. And that’s what hurts her because after three seasons, we still don’t know much about her and we have to question everything she says and does. The Walter thing made her hard to trust. As far as Claudia goes, she should have stayed a friend of the show. She sticks out like a sore thumb.
Walter lied though. And why should she show people her relationship now after all that? People who don’t like her will drag her anyway. She’s smart to keep it private.
Well maybe she can get her own show? *giggles*
That’s on the way. *giggles*
I think they will be fine if they demote Claudia.
If Kenya can stop with the fake storylines, she can stay. But Claudia needs to be fired like yesterday. Her Rickey Smiley gig can keep her in the latest TJ Maxx fashions since that’s her favorite store.
She’s the one who needs to be fired. I can’t stand her a-s. She causes so much division. They get along just fine when she’s not around.
Now I don’t even like Nene but she does not need to be fired. She’s made for TV.
Yes, because Kenya and Claudia so mature and peaceful. If Nene ever leaves, you can expect Claudia to turn on Kenya. She’s loyal to nobody. Omarosa could tell you a thing or two.
The premise of the show has always been centered around wives. Why are some people forgetting this? One or two singles is fair. A divorcee is cool too because they were actually a wife at some point. It’s too many dateless single women on the show now. It’s lame. If you can’t even get a date, stop thinking you’re worthy of a peach.
I agree 1000%. Get rid of Claudia ASAP.
Nene stans say Kenya stans are delusional, but y’all take the cake.
Any reason to get rid of Claudia is fine with me!