By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
The other day reports suggested NeNe Leakes and Wendy Williams’ entourages clashed at a recent women’s conference.
Although NeNe would only confirm Wendy’s husband Kevin caused a scene backstage while she was giving her speech, sources claim NeNe caused his outrage because she shaded Wendy at the beginning of her speech.
But don’t expect NeNe to regret a thing.
She tweets (read from top to bottom):
I’m riding with NeNe on this one. Wendy is constantly being negative and trashing people on her show, so she would be able to handle people shading her.
Wendy definitely dishes it but can’t take it. I remember the time she said she never wants her family to be a hot topic. She doesn’t want anyone to trash her and her husband and son but she does it to everyone else.
Did Kevin really think people wouldn’t start to give Nene what she gives them?
Not Nene saying if you dish it you better be able to take it. The irony!!!!
Says the Kenya stan. Oh the irony indeed.
I think Wendy understands that people have the right to come for her but she needs to explain that to her husband. She made the choice to come up by dragging celebrities, well some of them are going to clap back. It is what it is.
I remember when Evelyn dragged her on Twitter and told her Kevin came to her store buying shoes for one of his side pieces. Wendy said nothing. But she never does respond when she gets dragged.
That was epic.
Wendy has stans?
Believe it or not yes she does. And I don’t get it either. She’s an evil human being.
As big as Wendy’s mouth is why hasn’t she said anything about this?
Nene is not for the bullsh-t.
If a grown a-s man was having a fit over something as childish as how close my dressing room was from hers, best believe I was shading one or both them hoes!
I’m willing to bet Wendy’s husband beats her a-s. Controlling men are usually the abusive types. I think she enjoys dragging celebrities because her personal life is sh-tty.
I detected no lies.
I’m glad Nene isn’t having it or backtracking. Not everyone wants to give Wendy a pass on her BS. She says some of the most heartless things about people but it can’t be done to her? Child please.
This whole thing is quite juvenile but NeNe is right to say if you give you should be able to receive. …even though its fairly ironic bc she has the same problem.
Yes Nene