By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Nicki Minaj and Safaree Samuels called it off several months ago, and it’s been rumored a couple of times that he has a budding romance with K Michelle.
K denies there’s anything going on but they were spotted together recently.
All Hip Hop writes:
Are K. Michelle and Safaree getting even closer now? Safaree has been after K for a while as he sent her flowers and showered her with compliments across social media. The two have been rumored to be seeing each other in an open relationship type of way, but now they may be getting closer. K. Michelle and Safaree were spotted out together getting a bite to eat.
HipHollywood just caught up with #Safaree at #TvOne’s #VersesAndFlow season 5 taping. #NickiMinaj
A photo posted by HIPHOLLYWOOD (@hiphollywood) on
I hope they are just friends because I’m getting attention whore vibes from him. Whenever we forget about him, he starts trying to hit up K Michelle. That bothers me.
But that’s exactly what he’s doing. Nicki has moved on so now he’s trying to latch on to K to keep his 15 going. She needs to remember that and not take him too seriously.
I think they are just friends. He’s not really K’s type.
Don’t do it K.
I sincerely hope this won’t cause a beef between K and Nicki.
It won’t. Nicki isn’t really concerned anymore. I may not like Meek but I have to admit he’s making her very happy right now.
I wonder what’s the issue with her and Bobby like their always on & off.. That’s when she seems to only entertain this dude.
He’s plays too many games but she loves him and won’t cut him off.
I think both of them play too many games. They break up every week. Lol.
Why cant people just move on why must people try to play mind games with their exes. I can see if this is teenagers but these are grown people. Now I guess after Meek & Nicki doing the most now its Safaree & Kmichelle turn. Kmichelle isn’t innocent either because she knows whats up her & Safaree know what their trying to do.
Eww really? He’s corny.
I’m just going to hope they aren’t dating.
He loves attention.