By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
A lot of people feel R&B singer Keri Hilson hurt her own career when she decided to diss Beyonce, but a VH1 writer seems to think Keri’s lackluster career is her own fault and it’s way more complicated than becoming the BeyHive’s favorite target.
Michael Arceneaux of VH1 writes:
Keri Hilson has a right to her opinion, but the pattern here is that whenever Keri Hilson tends to share her opinion, chaos ensues. She generates the kind of backlash that overshadows her music career. To that end, if I were working with Keri Hilson, I’d give her a few tips.
One, hand your Twitter password over to a publicist. You can keep Instagram, so long as you keep the captions light and bright and don’t publish any word memes.
Two, you better make sure every song you drop is fire. Like, if you can get Jesus on a track (she’s apparently rededicated her life to Christ), get him in the studio. You need all the help you can get.
Three, humble thyself. Listen, it’s awesome if you managed to still collect $100,000 to perform in an empty arena, but bragging about that defensively is not as cute as you think it is. It just highlights why no one came to see you.
Four, don’t ever say a bad thing about Beyoncé again. Learn from your mistakes, beloved. You should probably pull a Taylor Swift and apologize.
Good luck. You need it.
Do you agree?
In related news, somehow Keri actually managed to get into somewhat of an Instagram beef with a quotes account. Apparently she accused the account of stealing one of her quotes and they clapped back by pointing out how much it sounds like Maya Angelou’s legendary quote:
Read tweets from bottom to top:
You can look at these tweets and see that the writer was right. Keri just isn’t likable. She’s a milder Azealia Banks. Some people just don’t know when to sit down and shut up.
Well said. She was Azealia before there was an Azealia. She dissed Beyonce and Ciara for attention but it backfired.
I never believed Beyonce was the reason for Keri’s downfall. She is the reason for her downfall. She came on the scene with a nasty and self entitled attitude and that turned people off. How are you a new artist and already full of yourself? And she’s still very snotty. Look at these tweets. How do you take credit for a watered down Maya Angelou quote? She’s a mess.
And this is how I know Keri isn’t the amazing songwriter she said she was. That’s a basic a-s quote. And a good songwriter stays booked. She has a lot of time on her hands every single day. I had to unfollow her a few months ago because she’s just insufferable.
The only reason this b-tch isn’t a total failure at life is she gets to f-ck Serge. Other than that…flop.
Well she must not be hitting it enough because she doesn’t really do much more than tweet stupid ish all day. She really does have way too much time.
Keri so histrionic
*blank stare*
I laugh so hard when I think about how all the wasps said Keri would be the one to end Beyonce’s career. Good day.
They also said she had longer money than Bey because she writes songs for so many stars. Lol!!
Keri is part of a songwriting group. In other words, she’s not very good solo. It’s sad she has time to make up simple quotes and tweet them all day.
To this day I still don’t think Keri shaded Beyonce. I think the media hyped up lyrics they didn’t know the meaning to and her issue with that magazine wasn’t about Bey on the cover. She’s even praised Bey before on her talent before. Sooooo I don’t know why people hate her so much.
The Beyonce thing was bad but that wasn’t the main issue with Keri. I agree that she needs to not always express everything she’s thinking. Sometimes a little mystery is good. We don’t need to know what you feel about every single thing. I liked some of her songs though, I’m just not a fan of her personality.
I completely agree with this writer. Now y’all know I loooove Bey she is number one in my heart I will turn on anybody for her but I did like Keri she had some good songs. I thought she had some talent and she’s a good songwriter her problem is she’s arrogant and doesn’t have the right ambition. She got content with mediocre success and should have kept grinding and even when her solo career went down she didn’t even keep songwriting. Then her relationship with Serge took away from her already practically dead career so she is to blame.
She talks too much. That is her problem. And her Rachel Dolezal tweets were ignorant.
If you don’t want people to steal your little amateur quotes, don’t put them on the internet. It’s hard to figure out where things originated from on the web.
Keri just wasn’t meant to blow up. As much as people try to downplay Beyonce, she was made for this life. Professionalism goes a very long way. There’s nothing professional about Keri.
Keri doesn’t do it for me and never did.
Oh please she ruined hee career by focusing all.her attention on a man
I don’t see it for her.
Keri isn’t meant to be a singer. She needs to stick to songwriting. Everybody can’t handle fame.
Is she bored?