By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Porsha Williams ended her romance with Buffalo Bills player Duke Williams over Twitter when she learned he had been photographed getting cozy with another reality star recently, and now she’s opening up about the split.
According to Porsha, the distance posed a major problem for the relationship.
On Dish Nation, she says:
“Well we’re done.
“It’s just the distance…that’s all. It’s just the distance.”
Check out the video below:
Spotted at Talk Your Ish Blog
Distance was the problem and not the fact that he stayed cheating on her? She’s so simple minded. *giggles*
But sis you and your ilk actually believe all the lies Kenya tells. LOL.
You’re so obsessed with Kenya. Get over it, lol. U must have lost a guy 2 a woman that resembles Kenya. Is that it? I’ll wait 4 ur lengthy response. I must warn u that I may not be able 2 respond until much later because I’m busy as usual.
Oh it’s the “busy” girl again. You’re so busy but still manage to find time to respond to me and will continue to do so all day long until you’re no longer able to leave comments because you can’t debate without calling me all kinds of “b-tches” and “hoes” so the admin shuts you out the post. If I’m obsessed with Kenya, you’re obsessed with me. I’m glad I get under your skin so much. #LightWork
“U must have lost a guy 2 a woman that resembles Kenya. Is that it?” So who took Kenya’s man because she hasn’t had one in decades. You’re sitting here bragging on Kenya’s looks and trying to shade single women like Kenya’s good looks have helped her in her non-existent and very scripted love life. She’s 44 and still single, correct? What a lame read. I have to admit, the only Kenya stan who can go toe to toe on here is Twirl. The rest of y’all are drier than Kenya’s ashy feet.
Just a reminder, we love comments but name calling (that includes calling other commentators b*tches) will not be tolerated. Constant name calling will get you banned. Keep it civil or you will no longer be able to comment on here.
What lies has Kenya told? She’s the realest person on RHOA YeahISaidIt.
Something tells me she still doesn’t grasp that this is an issue she will keep dealing with if she keeps dating athletes.
Porsha needs to leave the athletes alone. Most of them are thots.
I hope she doesn’t take him back later.
She should just be single for awhile.
I think she put him on a pedestal too soon. Just because someone is an athlete, it doesn’t mean they are dating material.