By: Amanda Anderson-Niles
Kordell Stewart has been plagued with rumors about his s*xuality for years, but the rumors came back to the forefront when he married “Real Housewives of Atlanta” star Porsha Williams.
Kordell has always denied the rumors were true, but that didn’t stop up and coming reality television personality Andrew “Delivert” Caldwell from claiming he dated Kordell in a recent interview.
It was later speculated Andrew lied because he’s trying to bring more buzz to himself since he has a reality show in the works, but it looks like the publicity stunt backfired on him.
Kordell is now suing Caldwell. Click next for the details.
lmao i guess he was lying
Publicity stunt fail.
A big fail at that.
Oh well. Andrew better go ahead and hand over the first check he’s going to get from his new reality show.
Well that’s what he gets. I hope Kordell doesn’t expect to get much money from him though.
Kordell knows who to sue though, Delivert doesn’t have the resources to dig,but that radio station probably does. He better tread carefully.
The reality TV game has gotten so savage. People will do and say anything to get attention for these little ratchet shows now.
I still think he’s gay. But he wouldn’t date some ratchet idiot who can’t even pronounce delivered correctly. Even Porsha had to hide her ratchet while she was with Kordell. He does have standards.
All this for a reality show that’s just going to flop any damn way.
I really didn’t think he would sue. LOL.
Talk about attention whoring backfiring.
It’s really messed up how he lied on Kordell like that when Kordell was just minding his own business. Some people have no kind of morals whatsoever.
Kordell said he ain’t playing no more.